Chapter 12

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Arthit's POV
It's Monday again when I decided to wear my new contacts to class. I should've listened to Toota a long time ago. After changing a new set of contacts, I felt more comfortable without my heavy glasses as I was constantly afraid it might fall if I happen to make large movements.

"Ooh baby, looking hot as fuck." As I stepped into the class, Toota went up to me and caressed my sides while saying huskily.

"Toota, language." I swatted his hands away and unconsciously tried to push on my nonexistent glasses.

"Arthit, you're gonna score yourself some hot chicks." Bright butted in and Toota cut him off," He can have hot guys too, you know?"

"Stop it guys, it's so embarrassing." I covered my face with one hand to hide my blush.

"Still being so shy when you look so fine." Toota leaned even closer to me, purring by my ear. I shuddered a little feeling goosebumps creeping on my arms.

"Stop it Toota or else I'm not gonna help you with your assignments." Toota raised both of his hands as a sign of surrender and we quickly paid attention to our lecturer that had just walked in.


I'm nodding off when I'm in the middle of our class.

I slept really late last night and it's all because my mom knew that I'd decided to use contacts. I don't even know what she's so excited about. She even sent me new clothes that she deemed stylish and last night she spent hours teaching me how to match them and how to style my hair. Unfortunately, my dad was her victim yesterday and he was forced to stay awake until 1am, way past his precious bedtime.

"Hey, you!" I jerked awake as I heard my lecturer shouts. I looked up and saw him pointing at me with a death glare. I gulped hard and stood up from my seat.

I've always been a good student, taking notes in classes and topped in all my subjects. This is my first time almost falling asleep in class and I got caught.

"Yes, sir." I softly said while timidly looking at my lecturer.

"What's your name?" Wait, I'm his favorite student. How could he forget me? He's too young to even have Alzheimer's.

"Umm... Arthit, Arthit Rojnapat." I smiled a little, hoping he would sense my sincerity and don't minus my credits.

"Arthit?" He gasped loudly, squinting his eyes while looking at me," Wow, you... you look different."

I panicked a little. I shouldn't have listened to what my mom said and dress like this. I bet I looked too weird and my usually open minded lecturer couldn't accept it.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I promise I'll not dress like this again." I bowed to him slightly.

Please don't minus my credits, please.

"Oh, no no no, it's not that. You looked different but the good kind of different." He winked at me and said," Now sit down, little hottie. No more sleeping in my class, alright?"

I blushed hard and bowed to him again," Sorry, sir."

Toota nudged me harshly and I couldn't help but blushed harder if that's even possible when I felt my classmates' intense stares.


Its after classes and I'm currently heading to the student council's meeting room as P'Forth had something to discuss, maybe about the upcoming activities.

"Ouch!" I was looking intently on my files while walking and I didn't notice until I bumped into someone. My files scattered all over the floor and as I crouched down to pick them up, I apologized to the person I bumped into. From the side of my eyes, I can see him helping me with my files and I quickly thanked him.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking and thanks for helping me." I looked up and gave the person a bright smile. I was shocked when I saw it was Kongpob.

"Arthit?" He widened his eyes as he recognized who I was from my voice, I assumed.

"Umm... yeah." I glance to the floor, trying to think of an excuse to leave this place. But my brain was going haywire and I forgot that the best excuse is to just tell him that I'm late for a meeting.

" look good." He stuttered as he reached out his hand to touch my face. He slowly caressed the bridge of my nose and I can only stare at him while holding my breath. When his hand reached to my lips, I quickly snapped out of my trance and stepped back. He awkwardly put down his hand but still kept his gaze on me.

"Umm..." Before he could say anything, I quickly cut him off.

"Oh, I heard you got a girlfriend, congratulations." I forced a smile and continued,"Shouldn't you be with her now since classes are all over?"

He was stunned momentarily,"Oh, we didn't work out."

"Really?" Okay, I bet he can hear my excitement.

"Yeah, apparently she isn't how I think she is. We went on a date and I noticed she was being too clingy and too materialistic." He pouted a little and reached out to tug my hair behind my ear," She kept wanting me to buy things for her and I got annoyed apparently."

"Oh, I'm sorry it didn't work out." I tried to smile bitterly to him.

God knows how happy I am right now.

"It's fine, it might be destined that I couldn't ever find the perfect partner for myself."

"Then, what is your definition of a perfect partner?" What? I had the chance and I'll definitely ask him. I know I'd been crying for a few days, thinking he finally found his special someone but now I'm back in the game, still knowing that I won't ever get a chance in winning.

Hearing my question, he gently patted my head as he stepped forward, invading my personal space. He's being too oddly touchy with me today, not that I'm complaining.

"Well, I like someone who looks good, shy and always blushing, with a dimple, an introvert and is a little too innocent to this world." He poked on my dimple and I stood there rooted,"That person can look good but dresses up only for me. That person can be shy but blushes only to me. They can always flash their dimpled smile at me while I kiss them. They can be introverted but extremely kind to others. I'll be there to protect them if they're too innocent to this cruel world. That's what I want. A simple love, a special someone to embrace."

3 out of 5!
Dimple. Check!
Slightly shy personality. Check! I guess.
An introvert. Big check!

I was so engrossed with my thoughts that I didn't even realize that he had already left, leaving me a blushing mess. I patted my cheeks, trying to calm myself before going to the meeting room.

Do I really have the chance?

My Mr Casanova [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz