Chapter 8

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Kongpob's POV
"Hey guys, do you wanna go catch a movie this weekend around the afternoon?" Oak said when we're having lunch in the cafeteria.

"Yeah, that'll be great. It's been awhile since we went to watch a movie together." All of them nodded and I'm in the conversation too until I heard someone talking on the phone.

"Yes mom, I'm free this weekend. I can meet up with you guys at Siam Paragon if you want." I turned my head towards the source of the voice and saw Arthit talking to the phone. Is he meeting up with his girlfriend? Does he have a girlfriend?

"It's alright mom, we can meet around lunch." Oh, it's his mom. Great.

After a while, Arthit put down his phone and started talking to his friends," I'm sorry guys, I can't go to the new restaurant with you guys this weekend. My parents are coming and we're going to meet up at Siam Paragon."

"It's alright, Arthit. We can always..." I tuned out their conversation, busy with my own thoughts.

"Hey Kong!" I was startled when Aim shouted beside my ear.

"What the fuck, Aim?" I hit his head hard, expressing my annoyance.

"Kong, are you okay with meeting up at Siam Paragon's cinema this weekend around the afternoon?" He asked me while rubbing his aching head.

"Umm, can we change it to around the evening. I had stuff to do during the day." I had stuff. Maybe.

"It's alright, Kong. We can move the time."

"Then, I'm in." I smiled to him and went back to digging in my food.


I'd managed to convince myself to go to Siam Paragon during lunch time. Yeah, I need to have lunch and I need to buy a gift for my niece. Her birthday is tomorrow. So, it makes sense that I'm here to eat lunch and buy a gift. Right?

After having lunch at a noodle shop, I'd been roaming around the mall and finally found a store to buy my niece's gift. It's a brown teddy and I'm sure she'll like it.

"Mom, I think we'd bought enough things for me. I'm not even sure if I can fit them all in my room." I heard a familiar voice whining when I paid the teddy bear at the counter. I turned to look outside the store and found Arthit and a woman standing right outside the toy's store. I could see his hands full of bags while the woman didn't carry any bag with her except for her handbag.

"It's never enough, Oon." The woman shook her head and I could see Arthit feeling irritated with the heavy shopping bags on his hands.

"But mom..." Oh right, he did say he'll meet with his parents. Not that I'd forgotten that fact.

"No buts Oon, what's wrong with me buying things for my baby boy." Arthit's mother cut him off after shushing him.

"I'm not a baby though." Arthit muttered sulkily and he pouted a little to express his displeasure.

I quickly took the change the cashier gave me and went to them.

"Arthit?" I pretend to be surprised to see him here. He turned towards me and I gave him a small wave.

"Hi, Aunty." I turned towards his mother and greeted her with a wai. It's good if I leave her a good first impression, right?

"Oh, you're Oon's friend? Nice to meet you." She smiled at me warmly.

"Oon?" Who's Oon? And suddenly something clicked in my mind. Oh, Oon is Arthit.

"Oh, yes yes. I'm actually Oon's senior and friend too." I smiled at his mother while replying to her. I heard elders love those who smile a lot so it's better if I smile more often to them. They might like me more.

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