Chapter 15

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Kongpob's POV
It's been 15 minutes since they started whispering beside me. Do they really think that I'm deaf?

"I'm here, guys." I exclaimed frustratedly.

Jeez, I just want them to shut up and let me focus on my assignment. It's not that they'd finished theirs and it's due tomorrow.

"Yeah, we know." Prae said to me briefly before turning back to the others and continued whispering.

"Can you guys just say it out loud? There's actually no point in whispering, I can still hear you even if I sit outside the library." I almost yelled at them and was immediately shushed by the librarian. I glared at him and he shuddered, immediately looking back to his computer.

Why am I scary for others but not for my friends? Oh, how I wish I could shut them up with just a simple glare.

"Okay okay, you're annoying sometimes, Kong. Can't you see we're having a conversation that doesn't include you here?" Oak said and before I can strangle him, Aim immediately speaks up.

"Uh, we're talking about the upcoming trip for seniors and juniors to get to know each other. We know you're not interested in this kind of activity so we didn't ask you and disturb you with your assignment."

"Yeah, you didn't bother me by whispering loudly right beside me." I rolled my eyes but my interest aroused.

Hmm, senior and junior trip.


Very interesting indeed.

"I think I'll join it too." I said and they all turned to me while gawking, shocked. It was as if I just ate a cute puppy.

"Yeah, it's gonna be my last chance to participate anyways. Next year will be tough for all of us and I don't think we even have extra time for trips and all that."

"Are you sure? You're going because of a certain junior, right?"

"I already told you I'm not into Khaofang."

I know who they're talking about. But they'll never believe what I said.

"Tsk." Maprang glared at me with an annoyed look and threw the participation form right on my face.

"Can't you be more gentle? Jeez, I'm pitying whomever you're gonna date in the future."

"Well, don't pity me. I'm the one who should pity you for your obliviousness. Sometimes you're just a donkey in a human disguise."

"Yeah, I can't believe I get to meet someone so stupid in my whole life. Lucky me." May exclaimed sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

As always, I wasn't in the mood to bother them and just filled the form that was given without uttering a word.

Since it's for seniors and juniors to get to know each other better, will we get to share a room with the juniors?


Arthit's POV
"Okay, now all the Group C students, please follow Arthit here to board the bus."

I thought I get to rest and enjoy the trip. But I was wrong. Too wrong in fact.

P'Forth without caring about my willingness, pulled me into the helpers crew and now I need to tire myself out with all those preparations and stuffs.

I led the group that consisted of both seniors and juniors to our bus and was standing by it to take their attendance.

I was looking at the paper waiting for the students to tell me their names when the person in front of me asked a question.

"Can I sit with you?" It's P'Kongpob. I've been seeing him around so frequently lately.

Can I call it destiny?

Our destiny.


"Arthit's gonna sit with me."

I looked at Toota and he winked at me, mouthing a 'trust me'.

"Well N', I came first so he's gonna sit with me." With that, P'Kongpob dragged me into the bus and to one of the seats.

"P', I'm on duty." He stopped when he found a spot he liked.


"I need to take attendance of the students." I gestured to the clipboard on my hand.

"Oh, then leave your bag here. You're sitting beside me and not that friend of yours."

I couldn't argue with him anymore and just put my bag at the seat beside the window as he already occupied the other. I really like to sit by the window. The window is a great place to lean on when I fall asleep. Oh, I never really enjoy the view much when I'm on a bus. Sleep is much more alluring.

Then, I went back to my job while P'Kongpob was getting himself comfortable on his seat.


The bus ride is around 3 hours and the moment I sat down, I immediately dozed off. I'm too tired since I need to be awake around 4.30am for the preparations today.

I was slightly snoring when my head hit the window with a loud thud. I didn't bother to move or open my eyes but the road was so bumpy that my head kept on hitting the window. I was about to open my eyes when I felt a warm hand around my neck. It guided me to lean on a shoulder and I could smell his musky scent mixed with his perfume. I became greedy as I buried my nose into his shirt just to sniff more of it.

I heard a soft chuckle and my ears reddened but still, I pretended to be asleep. It's gonna be too awkward for me if I wake up now.

I couldn't resist the temptation to be closer to him as I slowly slid my head from his shoulder to his chest and I could feel his warm breath caressing my hair softly. I'm finally in his embrace and he didn't seem likely to push me away. He even placed his hand on my head and gently patted it. My heart almost burst out of my chest when I felt his heart beating right beside my ear. I'm listening to his every calm heartbeat while mine is on a wild goose chase.

But sleep came to me again and I started nodding off. It felt great, even more when he started gently massaging my nape to ease the soreness.

Hey guys, another question here. There's this smut scene that I've been reluctant to write. That scene is actually the reason why I wrote this whole story but if I write it, I'm afraid this story will consist of too much drama as this isn't those happy smut scenes. It's a rather sad and heartbreaking one and you guys might just kill Kongpob or even me. So, please do tell me whether I should continue with the smut or use another scene that I already have in mind.
Thank you.

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