Chapter 32

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Arthit's POV
I was shocked for a moment when I woke up in P'Kong's bed but I'm lucky that it's only me left. He must have either gone to buy breakfast or went for a jog.

That's not the main point here.

I left him a note before leaving his room. I remembered everything that happened last night. I knew I'm the one who came to him and he's the one letting me stay the night willingly.

But I'm not going to meet him now. I need some time to myself.

I managed to sneak out of the building without bumping into him. After walking for a moment, I've finally arrived back at my dorm. I was aware that the lights in my dorm were ignited and when I entered, I saw my friends were looking really worried.

"Arthit, where have you been?" Bright was the first one to yell at me.

"I went out for a walk." I replied, averting my gaze.

"You went for a walk at midnight till the next morning? Great! Really great!" Toota was huffing angrily too and I knew it's better to tell them the truth.

"I was drunk last night and I... I went to find P'Kong. I slept there the whole night and he didn't do anything to me." I sat down on the couch and they followed suit as they heaved out a sigh of relief.

"Never do that again, Arthit." Prem ruffled his disheveled hair and everyone was obviously looking really tired.

"I'm sorry, guys... It's just that..." I was feeling really bad and guilty for making them worried. Even if it's because of love I shouldn't make my friends who love and care for me worry.

"It's alright, Arthit. Did you talk to P'Kongpob yesterday?" Knot asked as he placed a glass of water in front of me.

"I left the moment I woke up and he wasn't in his room."

"Arthit, you do know that it might be a misunderstanding, right?"

"I know but sometimes I wonder how I can be so irrational when it comes to him. It was like I'm not the usually calm and collected me anymore. I don't like that side of me. I hate it when I am easily affected by everything related to him." I said as I rubbed my face with my hands frustratedly.

It's true that I hate myself being jealous and ridiculous when it's about P'Kong. It was as if I'm possessed and I couldn't help but to wonder who I had become. I felt really helpless.

"These are  all normal emotions and reactions when you're in love with someone. You're not abnormal." Knot retorted as he scooted closer to me and patted my back.

"But... I felt really vulnerable and confused when I'm with him. It was like I'm really unsure of the love he said but was still hoping he would stay by my side forever and was always afraid that he'll leave me one day. I felt stupid."

"Arthit, you're fine. These are the emotions you should feel when you're in love, there's nothing wrong in that. The only thing that's wrong is you never voiced out your thoughts to him. You always hide all your feelings and that's what makes things difficult for the both of you. It's not that he doesn't have any wrong. He does, his past is affecting you too much and I know, it's hard for you to let it go. But please do try to believe him too. Talk everything out." Knot continued and I was feeling a little dizzy.

"I don't know, Knot. I really don't know anymore." I leaned back on the couch, staring at the porcelain white ceiling.

"Take your time. You don't have to rush but remember, communication is the key to a successful relationship." He said and they left back to their room, leaving me alone sitting in the living room, deep in my own thoughts.

Kongpob's POV
When I came back from buying breakfast, all I saw was a piece of note.

'Thanks for letting me stay the night.

I was actually hoping that I could have a conversation with him after he woke up. But it seems like I need to wait again.

And I've been waiting for hours, until when it's lunch time I eventually bumped into him in the cafeteria.

"Arthit." I called out for him and his figure had visibly stiffened on the spot but I couldn't care less as I rushed, grabbing his shoulder. His friends were thoughtful enough that they left when they saw me, giving us some space.

"Arthit, did something happen?" I asked and he was smiling at me.

"Nothing, P'. Can we talk later? I've a class to rush to later." He swatted my hand away but I was quick to grip his wrist.

"Arthit, please. Whatever it is, let's just talk it out." I pleaded with him. I couldn't bear anymore that he's acting as if everything's alright when he's obviously not.

"P', there isn't anything to talk about."
He tried to remove my hand again but I tightened my grip.

"Oon, please." He sighed when he knew I'm persistent about this matter.

"P', I know that you don't actually like me. I'm just something that you're interested in for a moment." His statement shocked me and I was staring at him, trying to process his every word.

"Who told you that? How could you accuse that I don't actually love you?" I was getting a little irritated as he always underestimated my love for him.

"I saw it. The girl you're with yesterday, on the bench. You ruffled her hair and she was pinching your cheeks." His voice was quivering and tears began welling up.

"Oon, did you ever come to me and ask me? If you do, I'll tell you everything you wanted to know." I was quite disappointed with how he viewed my sincerity in getting into a relationship with him,"Is that why you're drunk yesterday? Have you ever trusted me? Trusted my love? You don't! How could you? How could you don't believe in me when I told you I love you?"

His tears started flowing and my heart clenched looking at him. I knew it wasn't only his fault. It was mine too. It was because of me that he's so insecure, that he's always doubting my feelings for him.

"I'll tell you, Oon. The girl you saw yesterday, she's my cousin. She grew up with me and we're really close. She came to visit me on campus yesterday." I said while I reached out to wipe his tears.


"Yes and Oon, I've something to tell you." Hearing me, his body tensed and he backed away from my touch slightly. Up till this moment he's still uncertain.

"Oon, I love you. I know you might not trust me but I'm serious from the day when I told you I have feelings for you. It's not the kind of relationship you're thinking of right now, I want us to get married one day if you accept me. I'm serious about everything I said to you, about courting you, dating you and loving you. I've already told my parents about my feelings for you and they were supportive. So, please. The only one that's still doubting me is you. I know my past was affecting you and I'm sorry I can't change it but I've changed myself, only for you. I'll always love you, date you, marry you, have kids with you and maybe if you're willing to, we can grow old together too." He started sobbing loudly and I instantly embraced him tight,"Please have a little more faith in me."

But he was still struggling in my arms and I could only let him go.

I didn't want to force him.

He's walking away. Avoiding me again.

"Arthit Rojnapat! I love you!"

He stopped on his track with his back still facing me.

"Please believe me. Please don't leave me alone here." I muttered as I could feel tears gushing out of my eyes.

Is this the end of us? We haven't even started yet and now you're destroying every hope for me?

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