Chapter 7

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"Ai'Oon, over here!" I saw my mom waving at me with a broad smile as I quickly jogged to her. We're currently at Siam Paragon on a weekend as I promised to meet up with both of my parents a few days ago. I really miss them and it's good to finally meet them again.

"Mom, where's dad?" I looked around trying to find my dad as I asked mom.

"He had an urgent meeting so it's just you and me today. We can finally have our mother and son bonding without a third wheel." Mom said jokingly as she nudged me with her elbow.

"Mom, ain't I the real third wheel when I go out with both of you?"

"Nope, my baby boy always comes first. Come on Oon, we should get you more clothes. The ones you're wearing now are getting old." Mom grabbed my wrist as she dragged me to one of my favorite boutiques.


"Mom, I think we'd bought enough things for me. I'm not even sure if I can fit them all in my room." I whined to my mom as the bags on my hands are getting heavier every second. I wouldn't doubt that my hand will be sore tomorrow.

"It's never enough, Oon." Mom shook her head as she stood in front of me with empty hands.

"But mom..."

"No buts Oon, what's wrong with me buying things for my baby boy." She cut me off after shushing me.

"I'm not a baby though." I muttered sulkily. Seriously, my arms are gonna fall off any second if she still doesn't want to help me with these bags.


I turned towards the voice and saw Kongpob standing in front of us while giving me a small wave.

"Hi, Aunty." He waied to my mom as he flashed a bright smile.

"Oh, you're Oon's friend? Nice to meet you." Obviously my mom is swooned by his smile.

"Oon?" He said questioningly as he turned towards me and then he realized that's my nickname.

"Oh, yes. I'm actually Oon's senior and friend too." He smiled at my mom. He should stop with the smile though, I doubt my mom could resist herself from Kongpob's charm.

", this is Khun Kongpob." I said to mom then turned towards Kongpob," Khun, this is my mom."

"Oon, I thought he's your friend? Why aren't you calling him P'?" My mom always didn't seem to get the main point out of our conversations.

"Well Aunty, I tried to let him call me P'Kong but he just ignored me. I felt like maybe I'm the only one close to him while he isn't willing to be close to me." Kongpob pouted a little but I can obviously see the playful glint in his eyes.

"Oon, how could you do that?" Mom stared at me accusingly. Remind me who her son is again? Me! It's me, not Kongpob!

"Well, what are you waiting for? Call him P'Kong now." Mom, can you stop making things difficult for your son? Which is me, if you forgot.

"But..." She glared at me when I wanted to reason her out.

I glanced to the side, not courageous enough to look Kongpob in the eyes," P'Kong." My cheeks heated up as I called him P'.

"That's better. Kongpob, you can call him Oon too, mom approved it." She winked at Kongpob then looked at me teasingly.

Wait! Did she find out my secret?

I'm dead!

"Okay, mom." He winked back at mom and said to me," Do you need help with these, Oon?" He pointed to the bags on my hand with a smirk.

Wait up! Since when did mom let him call her 'mom' too? Why do they look like mischievous besties all of the sudden? Will I still be alive by the end of the day?

But when hearing Kongpob calling me Oon, I can feel my cheeks redden even more as I shyly lowered my head to hide a silly grin.

"Oh, you can come shopping with us, Kong, if you aren't busy."

"Of course I'm free, mom. We can do more shopping to buy clothes for Oon." He said while staring at me with an intense gaze. I blushed even harder, if that's possible, while I passed him some of the bags to his outreached hands.

I'm gonna get sick soon from blushing this much.

"Then, let's go shopping!" Mom shouted excitedly as she hooked her arm to Kongpob.


After a whole day of shopping, mom and I are currently in my room. We sat on my bed as we unpack the things we bought all the while chatting about random stuffs. And suddenly she strikes me with her question.

"So... Kongpob, huh?" She raised an eyebrow to me as she continued folding my clothes.

"M-mom, what are you talking about?"

Shit! Did mom really find out?

"Stop trying to act stupid with me, Oon. It's really obvious that you have a crush on your P'Kong." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Mom, he's not my crush!" I huffed, feeling annoyed with my mom's teasing.

"Oh, my baby boy is blushing now. Can't mention his crush?" My mom pinched both of my pinkish cheeks, still teasing me.

"Wait till I tell your dad."

"Mom!" I widened my eyes as I can't believe she's going to tell my secret to dad.

"What? He's my husband and we share secrets. Besides, you said he isn't your crush so you shouldn't even bother me telling your dad." She winked at me.

"Mom!" I flustered when she mentioned the crush thing. But when I thought about Kongpob, I can feel my heart throbbed slightly.

"I'm not gonna be with him anyways, don't make it a big deal with dad."

I always knew I had no chance with Kongpob, he's a womanizer, straight as an uncooked spaghetti. No way that he's ever gonna fall for him. And I knew mom thought it was just a simple crush. But for me, it's more than that. It's love I guess. A love destined to be unrequited.

"But I think he likes you, Oon."

"You got it all wrong, mom. He's just friendly, that's all and... he likes girls." I looked down to the floor as I said the last part. It still hurts me but I need to remind myself so that I'll lose hope or so that I don't even start hoping.

There won't be disappointment if we don't start hoping.

"Oon.." Mom looked at me worriedly.

"I'm fine, mom. Really." I smiled to her but I could feel my eyes welled up with tears. I quickly lowered my head as a solemn tear fell down my cheek. Silent tears coursed down my cheeks when I'm enveloped in a warm hug. I bit my lip to hide my sobs as I buried my face into her shoulder. I know she knows that I'm crying but I don't want to worry her.

I sniffed quietly as I raised my hand to wipe my tears away. With bloodshot eyes, I look at her with a smile while my lips are still quivering.

"I'm fine, really."

I should be fine.

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