Chapter 5

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Arthit's POV
"So Arthit, how's your first day of duty?" We're gathering in the cafeteria after my duty when Knot asked me about my day.

"It's a disaster and so embarrassing. I can't believe P'Forth and P'Tum want me to continue being a member in the discipline unit." I shoved a few scoops of rice frustratedly.

"Did something interesting happen?" Bright asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"No! No-nothing happened!" I could feel my face warmed a little as I thought about Kongpob and quickly shoved a pack of chips on Bright's face to hide my blush from him. He'll be teasing the hell out of me if he sees my blush. Unfortunately, I forgot about my other dearest friends.

"Oh you're blushing, Arthit. Something must have happened. Come on, tell us." Toota questioned as he started to shake my body vigorously.

"Stop shaking me, Toota. And nothing happened, really." Screw me, why must I blush this hard? Why must I think about Kongpob touching me at this time?

"Come on, don't be so shy, Arthit. Just tell us. We're friends, we won't laugh at you." As if you guys won't laugh at me.

"Fine!" I surrendered to their persistence and told them the whole story but of course, I'll skip the part about me having a crush.

"So, you're saying P'Kongpob and P'Forth are friends?" Bright gasped loudly after hearing what I said.

"Oh my god! Tell P'Forth to introduce him to us!" Well, Toota being Toota wants to get a taste of every handsome man he met.

"Yes, Khun Kongpob and P'Forth are friends and no, I won't help you do something to embarrass yourself."

"Come on Arthit, can you stop being so polite. P'Kongpob isn't even here."

"Well, politeness is not a show for others and being polite can bring peace to the world. So, why not?"

"Yeah, your friend here is right, little feisty kitten!" I felt an arm around my shoulder as I heard a familiar voice. I turned to my right and saw Kongpob leaning his face towards me. I quickly shoved him away and stood up from my seat.

"What're you doing here?" I squeaked as I was too shocked to see him here.

"Aww, don't be so shy, your cheeks and ears are all pinkish." He poked my dimple as I blushed even harder. I hate my skin tone sometimes although most of the girls around me envy me.

"I'm not shy! I'm just shocked!"

Okay, now I hate my voice too. Why must I squeak in such a high pitch tone?

"Cute." He squished both of my cheeks with one hand and winked at me. He then left with his friends, leaving me all flustered standing at the same spot.

"Arthit! He just touched you!" Toota yelled at me, too excitedly.

"It's not like he's a god. So what if he touched me?!" My brain still couldn't function properly after the stunt Kongpob pulled.

"Oh yes he is, Arthit. A Greek god." Toota wiggled his eyebrows while speaking in a seductive tone.

"Just eat, Toota." I stopped Toota from speaking further as I pushed his head towards his plate of rice while I quickly shoved my rice in my mouth.


"Excuse me, Khun. Can you please pick up that trash?" I stopped one of the students that was littering around. Fortunately, he's being cooperative as he quickly picked up the plastic wrap and mumbled a "Sorry" to me.

"Hey feisty kitten, don't you think you should stop being so polite but a little more harsh when you're on duty?" Someone said to me as he poked my shoulder with his finger. Just base on that nickname given I could sense who he is.

"But being polite can avoid a lot of unnecessary fights, don't you think, Khun?" I turned to him and saw him with his friends. His friends weren't really interested in our conversations as they're still chatting to themselves and I might say, they're whispering a little and I heard something about "Kongpob and his kitten".

"Drop the Khun, kiddo. Call me P'Kong."

"I'm not a kid, Khun. I'm just younger than you by two years." I'm starting to feel impressed with myself as I could talk to people especially him without stuttering anymore.

"Still, you're a kid to me." He said as he ruffled my hair a little too lovingly. I glanced to the side, trying to hide my blush from him. What? It's natural to blush in front of my, you know, crush.

"You're still blushing, kiddo. Won't you get sick from blushing too much?" He leaned forward as he placed his palm on my forehead. If I'm in an animated movie, my face would be heating so much that I might be fuming in smoke.

"I'm not blushing!" I swapped his hand away and bit my lip.

"Whatever you say, kitten." He said while gently touching the tip of my nose and he left with his friends.

"Fudge!" I couldn't help but to curse. I'm having a difficult time trying to calm my racing heart as I placed my hand on my chest while taking deep breaths.


Not now!

"Yes, P'Forth?" I smiled to P'Forth when I saw him jogging towards me.

"What is Kongpob doing here?"

"Oh, he just stopped by to say hi."

"He better be. Don't let me catch him flirting with you." He said while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Fli-flirting with me? No, that's not possible!" He's not flirting with me, he's just messing around, trying to make my heart pop out of my chest, that's it. Nothing about flirting.

"Come on, Oon. You need to get some rest. Your face is all red." P'Forth pulled me to the side and gave me a refreshing bottle of water.

"You sure Ai'Kong isn't bullying you?"

"Y-yeah, he isn't. I'm sure." I slowly sipped the water as I replied to P'Forth, all the while not looking into his eyes.

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