Chapter 30

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Arthit's POV
"Umm, thanks for the dinner, Arthit." P'Kong said as he sat on the chair by the desk. He was glancing around my room and I could sense his curiosity.

"It's nothing much, P' and feel free to look around." I settled myself on the bed and grabbed my laptop to begin with my assignment.

"Are you busy? I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you."

"I'm not that busy, it's just that I wanted to do some early research before starting with my essay." I replied to him as he nodded and walked to my bookshelf. He took out a book and started flipping it enthusiastically.

That book looks familiar though.

"Is this your graduation photo?" He pointed to a picture while asking and I was shocked for a moment before I dashed to him to snatch the book away.

"Give it back, P'!" He ignored my pleading and placed the book above the shelf.

I hopped on my feet to try reaching for it but to no avail. I could hear him snickers beside me as I glared at him.

"P', that's my book." He was crossing his arms while leaning at the bookshelf.

"If I help you to get it back, will you let me look at it?"

"You're being unreasonable, P'. That's my book and I have the right to not let you see it." I was getting a little annoyed and mostly anxious as I'm afraid that he might find out my secret.

"Is it a deal or not?" He was grinning mischievously while staring at me and suddenly, something popped up in my mind.

"P', are you sure that you're not going to help me?" I was giving him puppy eyes while pouting my lips.

"Yup." His gaze started darting everywhere except me as I leaned to him further.

"Really?" I whispered when my lips were barely an inch away from his and he was frozen on the spot.

"I..." He tilted his head slightly as his lips nearing mine.

But things aren't supposed to go the way he's thinking.

I quickly jumped on him as he briskly caught me in his embrace. My legs circled his waist as I reached out my hand to grab the photo book.

"Got it!" I was flaunting the book in my hand while smirking at him and I was unaware of that playful glint in his eyes as he suddenly pecked me on my lips, leaving me stunned in his arms.

"I got what I wanted too. It's a win-win then." He said while carrying me to the bed and he sat on it with me still in his lap.

"P'." The kiss was too overwhelming and I couldn't utter a word for a moment.

"Yes?" He gazed at me while holding me in his embrace.

"Is kissing allowed when you're courting me?" I admit I'm inexperienced about being in a relationship so I'm not sure what we should be doing at each stage.

Were there even any sequences that should be followed by couples?

"That's barely a kiss, Oon." He said, inching closer to me,"It's just a peck."

With that, he placed another chaste kiss on my lips as I hid my face at the crook of his neck, feeling quite shy of his bold advance.

"Stop doing that, P'."


"It's embarrassing." I exclaimed while I felt the rumble in his chest as he chuckled.

"Well, I don't feel embarrassed." His hand snaked to the small of my back as he caressed me in a seductive way.

"Stop, P'." My body was slightly trembling we I felt his heated touch.

"I'm not doing anything." His hand slowly creeped to the side of my waist as he poked on it tenderly.

"P'!" I yelped when he touched that rather sensitive spot.

"I think I've found something special here." He continued drawing circles on that sensitive spot as I buried my face further into his neck, feeling slightly out of breath.

"P', help me please." My mind was going haywire as I unconsciously blurted out words without thinking what it actually meant.

"Help you?" He questioned while suggestively licking on my earlobe.

"Too much." I mewled when he did that again and slowly peppered kisses along my jaw to the base of my neck. I squinted my eyes a little and gradually shut them as he started nipping on the delicate skin of my neck.


I immediately snapped out of my trance when I heard Toota yelling and quickly shoved him away as I stood up rushing to the door. I was about to turn the door knob when he caught me by my waist and pulled me into his embrace again, this time with my back plastered on his chest.

"Don't go." He muttered under his breath while tightening the hug, "Finish what you had begun."

"I didn't do anything, P'." My lips quivered vaguely as I shut my eyes tight, trying to ignore him as he nuzzled his nose into my nape.

"Are you sure?" His voice low and husky as his hand started stroking my waist.

"Arthit, you better come out now before I break your door!" I heard Bright banging on the door as he yelled.

"C-coming!" I struggled out of his arms and turned to grab the book before unlocking the door as I dashed out of my room.

Okay, why didn't I notice that my door was locked?

When I finally escaped from my room, I slammed the door shut behind me as I leaned on it, panting heavily while I tried to calm my racing heart. But the moment I lifted my gaze, I saw my friends standing near me with raised eyebrows.

"W-what?" I stuttered nervously as I glanced to the side.

"Did he do something to you?" Knot asked as he was boring holes in me with his stare.

"W-what? No! He did nothing. We didn't do anything."


"Yes and why did you call me out?" I changed the subject to stop them from questioning me further and luckily it worked.

"Oh, we just wanted to ask you whether you and P'Kongpob wanted to join us for a movie night." Prem said and I snorted to myself.

Should I be happy that they saved me from that situation or should I be mad at them?

"I'll tell him to join us." I answered them as I pulled out my phone to text him.

Well, I'm not gonna go back inside and risk myself.

And a few moments later, he came out of my room as he joined me on the couch while I munched on my popcorn all the while feeling conscious of his presence.

I'm back and my results turned out quite great. But the only downside was I could only manage to apply for October's intake for my university. Guess I'll be bored with my life for a few more months then.
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. Have a nice day.

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