Chapter 22

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Mia's  POV (Arthit's Mom)
"Honey?" I called out to Jake that was sitting on the couch and he got startled as he accidentally dropped the chocolate bar he was munching on.

"I didn't buy that chocolate, I swear. This is from our son." He smiled cheekily and I could only shake my head.

Those two with their love for sweets.

"Just take care of your sugar intake, okay? I don't want you to get diabetes." I sat on the couch beside him and he took a look at Oon's room from the couch before scooting over, scooping me into a hug.

"Well, I won't ever get sick. I have a wife and a baby to take care of." I leaned my head on his chest and heard his heart thumping loudly.

"Uhh, I did something." I was a little guilty, I admit.


"Our baby is going to get himself a boyfie soon."

"What?" He instantly sat up and I almost toppled over.

"What did you just say?"

"You already knew about Oon having a crush on his high school senior, right?"

"Yeah, I thought he didn't like him anymore."

"Oon still likes him, like a lot and it seems like that boy likes him too. I'd invited him over to our house to stay for a few days."

"Wait, no no no. Didn't Oon hadn't met him since high school?"

"They met again at campus. I even promised to let that boy sleep in Oon's room. It might give them a chance to talk it all out and maybe Oon can confess to him. They'll be together, our son can finally be happy, getting his love." I looked at Jake and he's staring blankly at the wall.

"No!" He was practically yelling at me and I couldn't get mad at him. He's always so protective of Oon. Jake, the lawyer in the house almost sued a kid when that kid accidentally threw a ball on Oon's face. But luckily, Oon was crying really hard that time, afraid that his dad would hurt his friend and he could only let it off the hook.

"What do you mean? You're mad that our son likes guys?"

"No, it's not that. I don't approve of that boy. Remember when he graduated, Oon was so upset that he didn't have the appetite to eat for a whole month. He lost so much weight that time."

I remembered all of us being so distressed when we found out Oon was sobbing silently in his room one night after Kongpob graduated.

"I remember but can't you give him a chance? He might have really fallen in love with Oon." I tried to persuade him into letting Kongpob stay over, even bribing him with a pack of chocolates.

"Fine." He sighed heavily,"He can stay over...but he's staying in the guest room. And give some of that chocolate to Oon too."

"But they can have more private time to bond if they sleep together in Oon's room."

"Nope, I won't let that happen."

"More chocolates?"


"What if I bake you some cakes as compensation?"

"No, he's staying in the guest room and that's final." He said sternly,"He's going to lay his filthy hands on my baby Oon if they stay in the same room and I know Oon will give in to him if that really happens."

"Come on, I can't believe you're so conservative. We even had sex when I was only 18 in my parents' house."

"That's different. I don't trust that guy." He then picked up the chocolate bar and left the living room, muttering softly.

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