Chapter 29

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Arthit's POV
I've been standing under the cover in the rain for almost an hour waiting for him. I noticed that my friends were occasionally peeking out of the window to see me standing at the same spot and they're blasting my phone just to urge me to go back to our dorm.

"No, Knot. He's coming and I'm sure of it." I was saying into the call while gazing afar, hoping he'll be here soon.

"Just come back, the rain is too heavy and you might get sick staying outside for so long." Knot was still rambling in the phone like the father of our gang.

"Knot, I'm fine outside. It's not even cold. Besides, he'll..." I stopped speaking to the phone when I saw a familiar figure riding a bike approaching me,"He's here, Knot."

I quickly hung up the phone and rushed to him, not caring that the rain was pouring really hard.

"P', I'm here." I looked silly and clumsy the moment I reached by his side.

"Arthit, I'm sorry that I'm late." He was panting heavily when he removed his helmet and something was odd. I saw some scratches on both his bike and his helmet and as I looked closer, I saw blood oozing out of his torn jacket.

"P', you're bleeding." He was shocked for a moment before covering his wound with his hand.

Did he expect me to not realize he was hurt? What was he even thinking?

"No I'm not, we can go now. It's raining, I'll call a taxi for us, alright?" He said and I saw the cut on the corner of his lips.

"P', we're going back to my place. No more excuses." I wanted to pull him by his wrist but was afraid that I would injure him more,"Please, P'. Nothing is more important than your well-being."

I was basically pleading with him and he finally gave in as he dragged his soaked wet body into the lobby.

"What were you thinking, P'? Why are you even riding a bike in the rain? Why didn't you drive your car?" I was furiously cleaning his wound in our living room as he and I sat on the couch while our friends were sitting further away from us.

"I just thought it was better to ride a bike. I didn't know it would rain." He was muttering softly, trying to reason out.

"You said you'd watch the weather forecast today." I was at the brink of yelling at him.

"Y-yeah, I knew it was going to rain and I was thinking that it would be gone soon." He gazed to the side and yelped in pain when I accidentally dabbed the cotton ball on his wound too harshly.

"Then what were you thinking?"

"I thought maybe...we can be closer if we're on a bike?" His voice was so soft that it was barely audible.

"Th-that wasn't an acceptable excuse." I could feel the heat on my cheeks when I sensed those teasing looks from my friends.

"It is the best reason. You can hug my waist if we're on a bike but if we're in a car, I can't even touch your hand." He was reasoning while glancing at me gloomily, "I wanted our first date to be special."

He was looking so adorable, like a dejected puppy that was kicked by its owner.

"B-but, with you it's already special." I wasn't daring enough to look into his eyes and when my sight fell onto his wounded elbow, I couldn't help but to get mad again, "You being like this is actually really memorable for me. Maybe in years later I can recall our first date with you being badly injured "

And he knew I was really mad as he mouthed a soft 'sorry'.

"Just be careful next time, will you? I don't want anything bad happening to you." I cleared away the blood-stained cotton balls and kept the tools and ointment back into the first aid kit as I stared into his dark black orbs, "Promise me, please."

He nodded rather obediently and was keeping his gaze on me as I moved around the dorm to put away all the stuff.

"So, what about your dinner date now?" Toota asked, butting in our conversation.

"I don't know, maybe we'll have it here instead." I answered and regretted it when I saw my friends beaming at me.

"Oh such a coincidence that we haven't had dinner yet, Arthit." It was Bright speaking and I knew it's not something good.

"So, why don't you make us something too?" Prem questioned with his mischievous smirk.

"But..." I hesitated for a moment.

"Let Arthit have his dinner date here with P'Kongpob, we can..." Knot cut me off and I was looking at him hopefully, "We can eat the food you cooked in our own rooms."

I shouldn't trust him either.

"Fine but I'll cook whatever I want." I sighed heavily, knowing I've no other way.

Kongpob's POV
The moment Arthit went into the kitchen, his friends all barged to my side and surrounded me in a circle.

"We won't be doing anything to you now cause you're already injured." Prem started to speak and the others followed suit.

"You better watch out and don't ever let me find out that you're just fooling around with him."

"I'll slice off your cock if you do that."

"So you better fuck off if that's your actual intention."

"I-I'm serious about Arthit, I swear I love him too much to not be serious about our relationship." I said but they're obviously not really convinced yet as all of them eyed me suspiciously.

"We'll see." Toota said and the next second, a goofy smirk appeared on his face,"Look."He pointed to the open kitchen and I saw Arthit was putting on an apron and was tying the ribbon behind him.

He looked so adorable in that apron, even more so when the cute design on it suits him so well. I squinted my eyes and saw a chibby image of Arthit with his pink milk.

"Oon." I was unaware that I had already called out for him.

He stopped cutting the vegetables and turned to me as my heart skipped a beat when he tilted his head, glancing at me with those big doe eyes curiously.


I was speechless at the sight.



Save me! My heart is beating too fast right now and I might get a heart attack.

"I love you." I blurted out and saw his face flushed red instantly.

"Yuck." He jutted out his tongue before turning back to the chopping board and I heard his friends snickered beside me.

I can't believe I've met an angel.

I'll be taking my leave as of now and will be back sooner if all goes well.
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting.
Stay safe and take care.

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