Forty Seventh Corpse: What Am I To You? .II.

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"Until then, you'll have to put up with me going rogue every now and then."

Forty-Seventh Corpse | What Am I To You? .II.

[Z-Day+22 | May.06 | 10:03HRS]

I gasped softly and pressed a hand to my abdomen reflexively, my heart clenching in anxiety.

Oh my god, no. How the hell could I be such an idiot?!

Regret filled me and right away I batted through all the facts in my head about ovulation, but I was panicking so even doing that much was proving to be difficult to me. My head started to ache the more I tried to separate and organize the facts about whether last night was 'safe' or not.

"Katya?" Mia's concerned voice jerked me out of my messy thoughts, and I looked up at her with a troubled expression.

Mia blinked in surprise when she saw my face and she opened up her mouth but whatever she was about to say halted abruptly when she saw my hand clutching at my abdomen. Her violet eyes flickered before flashing in understanding and widening.

"You didn't—"

"I didn't," I confirmed hoarsely, interrupting what I knew she was about to say.

She bit her lip, her eyebrows furrowed while she stared at my abdomen with a complex expression. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she grabbed my hand, "We should go back to the pharmacy!" She exclaimed. "They have..." she suddenly stopped short and glanced at Remi who was still in the room and who I just noticed was glancing between the two of us with wide, curious eyes. "...l-lady products," Mia stuttered out, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment, as did mine.

"Didn't we already stack up on sanitary pads?" Remi questioned innocently, and my face burned even hotter.

I was fairly certain that those were not the 'lady products' Mia was referring to. We did stack up on those already—there were three females in our group so it would be a disaster if we all suddenly had shark week and were unprepared for it.

"W-we didn't take all of them!" Mia stuttered out, "But we should have! Let's rectify that today." She stressed the last word while making eye contact with me.

She was right—what I needed couldn't be delayed.

'Morning After' pills.

If you're wondering how I'd know about those, it's because of that unfortunate fling with Takashi. After he pleasantly told me he regretted it, my blissful love bubble popped and I was forced to think of the consequences of our spontaneous actions. I started researching and learned about that nifty little object after which I took two trains to a completely out of the way pharmacy while in disguise, just to purchase it.

When I stopped panicking, I probably would have recalled them, but the fact that Mia was the one who reminded me made me curious. Why did Mianakagi Shiro know about morning after pills...? I narrowed my eyes on her in suspicion.

Mia noticed my look and choked, shaking her head vehemently. "Not me!" She squealed in a panic, "My mother didn't want anything that might irrevocably tie her to Hayate Shiro!" She hastily explained, before her panic faded from her features and a dull, pained look replaced it, "You should...think of another method of prevention for the long-term—those...aren't good for the body." Her voice softened near the end and she looked so sad that I felt a twinge of guilt for making her explain herself. I understood that her explanation made her remember some things about her mother.

Thinking about it now, I heard people say before that Mia wasn't as awful in elementary school and early Junior High. She was just as haughty, but she didn't single people out and make their lives miserable until late Junior High—when her mother passed. There was no way her mother's death had nothing to do with her change in personality. I suddenly found her more pitiable than before. Her relation to Saya had explained her fixation on our group, but now I understood more about why she even decided to target people in the first place.

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