Seventeenth Corpse: The Hidden Red

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❝Lay it on me. I don't think it could get anymore shocking today...❞

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Seventeenth Corpse | The Hidden Red

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[Z-day +4 | Apr. 18 | 10:00hrs]

"That was all kinds of...intense," Saya muttered wearily, flopping back onto her bed.

I was checking Rika's secret knapsack and making sure it was well equipped for the trip I was planning on making.

"Yeah, well, where Yamada is concerned, I tend to get a bit intense," I mumbled.

"Saeko's pissed at you," she reminded me and I winced before managing a shrug.

"All I did was tell her the truth," I muttered.

"All you did was act like a child," Saya retorted, sitting up and glaring at me. Her glare softened and she mumbled, "Are you sure I can't convince you to stay a bit longer?"

I gave her a serious look, "You heard what Quin said. Yamada's out there with Mia and her lackey. They won't care whether he's dead or not. I can't just leave him out there."

"Yeah, but..." She trailed off, frowning with worry.

"I'll be fine, Saya," I told her softly, "Your father agreed to give me a vehicle, remember?"

There was a knock on the door, ending our conversation and Saya called out for whoever it was to come in.

The door swung open and revealed Shiki. His dark eyes immediately found me and he said, "The Don would like to speak to you in his chambers."

I blinked and pointed to myself, "Me?"

"Yes, you," Shiki said, eyes twinkling in amusement.

My eyes narrowed on him. Why did he always seem so amused by everything I did?

"I'm here to take you there," he told me.

"I know where his chambers are, I don't need an escort," I muttered, dropping the knapsack on Saya's bed and walking over to him.

"Even so, I was given specific orders," Shiki said plainly and I scoffed slightly before looking at Saya.

"I'll be back in a bit," I told her, "And remember, Quin doesn't need to know I'm leaving."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she muttered in annoyance, "Best friend clause, I know."

I cracked a smile before leaving the room and heading in the direction of the Don's chambers. Shiki fell into step beside me and I could feel his eyes on me every two seconds.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, without looking at him.

"Untamed beauty," he murmured without missing a beat, and I misstepped in surprise, stumbling slightly. My eyes snapped to him but he was already looking me in the face.

We both stopped moving and stood in the middle of the hallway, staring each other down. To my complete and utter chagrin, his words had made my face go warm. I wasn't accustomed to anyone saying stuff like that to me, let alone a complete stranger.

He cracked a smile as he saw my face and I felt like he was laughing at me. It made me scowl slightly and look away from him, forcing myself to continue walking. I didn't say anything to him after that, feeling awkward. Now I couldn't tell if he was being serious or just saying weird stuff for shits and giggles. Either one was embarrassing.

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