Thirty Eighth Corpse: A Demon To Fight

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{NOTE: A Chapter 38 was previously uploaded but then I decided to erase that chapter because it just didn't flow right to me. In that chapter, Dante had a freak out but I felt it was a bit much at the time and it made it hard to continue writing so I decided it was better if the chapter was re-written. This is the re-write of Ch.38. This chapter goes along more with what I have planned so expect further updates to follow--maybe not right away, but soon! Hope you enjoy}

'Parents' isn't the best way to describe them, I much prefer sperm donor, incubator and ATM.


Thirty-Eighth Corpse | A Demon To Fight


[Z-day +13 | Apr. 27 | 09:34hrs]

In the blink of an eye, I was already in East Shoman for three days, simultaneously looking for Yamada and Kai.

District 2 had long since been scoured thoroughly with no lingering signs of anyone but the dead. Sufficed to say, I wasn't in the best of moods, but I took care to never display my mood in front of Remi or Dante--my type of bad mood wasn't the kind those two could handle. As a result, it only showcased itself in front of Thomson. He was surprisingly accommodating to my moods, never asking why or reprimanding. All he did when I was done was ask me if I felt better. It was...strange. But I guess neither of us felt the need to be at each other's throat--the dead already took care of that well.

We were heading further into East Shoman, and although the numbers didn't match those in the city, we still had to take the time to clean them up in order to make our lives easier. While we slaughtered our way through, Dante and Remi insisted on carrying the supplies we picked up. Those two surprised me a bit, adjusting to our circumstances quickly. Remi still flinched and closed her eyes when bodies dropped but she no longer screamed or grew pale at the sight of blood. Dante...well he was a different story altogether. Other than his sorrow back on the island, he didn't seem to feel anything towards the mainland or the dead there. He didn't close his eyes or look away, just staring blankly at falling corpses, like he couldn't be bothered to react. His weirdly expressionless face only changed when he was talking to Remi. It became gentle and doting. Sometimes he'd smile hesitantly at me, but he remained guarded against Thomson always. I found it odd, considering Thomson was the one who spoke up for them more than anyone else. With my mind on Yamada however, I didn't bother dwelling or trying to investigate.

I just wanted to find my brother and get back to everyone else.

"I don't think Yamada is still in Shoman," Thomson pointed out lightly as we were moving on to our next temporary safe house. I say safe house, but it was mostly just any empty house we came across that at least had lockable doors and windows, and more than one exit.

I pursed my lips at his words, not responding. Just because I agreed with him, didn't mean I was willing to acknowledge it or end my search. I knew it was pitiful to cling to hope so stubbornly but was Yamada someone I was prepared to give up on? Of course not.

When I made no move to comment on his words, Thomson simply continued speaking, "Is there anywhere else you can think of that he might be?"

I shook my head, "Yamada boarded at Fujimi, same as me. He was only working at the snackette because his hobby wasn't one his mom supported."

"You two don't share a mother?" Thomson asked, surprised.

"We don't share a father either," I muttered absentmindedly, thinking about how I had no idea where Ryuji was either. As neglectful as he was, I couldn't deny that it was only with his money that I was able to live so comfortably. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to truly wonder if he was dead or alive. He was more of a distant relative to me now than an actual parent. The only other person I would wonder about beside Yamada was Jin.

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