Sixth Corpse: The Mistake

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❝I've heard those words one too many times to actually find any significance in them, try again.❞

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Sixth Corpse | The Mistake

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[Z-day +1 | Apr. 15 | 03:53hrs]

How ridiculous do you have to be to become a hostage after insisting you could take care of yourself?

I know! Kat-diculous!

"Move it bitch!" The man holding me hostage growled, steering me forward with his arm wrapped around my chest and his knife still snug against my throat.

As you can probably guess, I was far from pleased with myself at the moment. For a popular combatant, my observational skills were bordering on incompetent if I couldn't hear this asshole sneaking up me with that wheeze in his breathing.

He steered me toward the mini-mart at the same moment Takashi came out with an overflowing plastic bag and a grin on his face. "Hey Katya!" He called out, "I wanted to apo--" he stopped short as his eyes fell on me and my captor. The bag fell from his hands as he let go of it and reached for his bat. He gripped it tightly and glared at the man holding me hostage.

"Let her go!" Takashi yelled angrily, his grip on his bat tightening.

The large man cackled like Takashi had just made a hilarious remark. "Haha! Now why the hell would I do that?!" He questioned, "You think I'd go for one of those stanky ass zombie bitches?!" His spittle flew over my shoulder and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. My disgust only skyrocketed when he slipped his arm just under my breasts, bouncing them up slightly, "Think again, motherfucker!" He cackled again when I made a disgusted sound in the back of my throat, trying my best to break the contact between his arm and my body by backing up. Unfortunately, that only made me press against him more snugly so I gave up and just stayed still, willing myself not to react to this bastard's debauchery.

Takashi's eyes hardened at the man's actions and I could see from his expression that he was five seconds away from recklessly charging in and bashing in the man's brains. "Jesus man, are you crazy? That it?" He questioned in a low voice and I couldn't help but think it was pointless to try an talk down a man like the one behind me. He seemed like the absolute worst kind of guy.

"Crazy? Hell yeah I am!" The man exclaimed, "My family became 'them' right in front of my own eyes!" The madman's voice lowered, "I had to...I had to smash everyone's head..." He pressed the knife closer to my throat making me tense up and push myself onto the tips of my toes to avoid getting cut. "My father! My mother! My grandma and brother! Even my little sister too!" The madman continued and his voice raised with each word, seeming more unhinged than before. "How can I be normal? You think I wouldn't be fucked up after that?!" He started cackling again, his grip loosening on me.

Now was my chance! I took the opportunity to throw my head back into his solar plexus, hoping to knock the air out of him and disarm him while he was trying to catch his breath. But he had the strength of a legitimate madman. He only coughed once, grabbing me and yanking me back against him, his hand on my breast. He squeezed roughly and pain assaulted me, making tears spring to my eyes as I let out a yelp of pain. Fucking hell, I don't think anything hurts as much as that shit, what is this guy's deal?!

"Katya!" Takashi yelled out in worry and I couldn't help the petty thought that crossed my mind just then.

A little less yelling and a little more saving my ass would be nice!

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