Thirty First Corpse: A Change In Perspective

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❝We're helping him by letting this happen.❞

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Thirty First Corpse | A Change In Perspective

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[Z-day +8 | Apr. 22 | 11:27hrs]

"Do you really think this is necessary?" I asked, amused and barely stifling a laugh as I purposely let him walk into a tree.

"No, I don't think it's necessary for you to watch me walk into trees," Victor said dryly, turning his head in my direction. It was a pity that I couldn't see his expression. He was wearing his mask plus a blindfold, so his face was pretty much lost to the world right now. His hands were tied behind his back and I held the end of the rope as I walked behind him.

"I meant this whole hostage gag you have running," I snickered, "Is it really necessary?"

"Well, you didn't wanna be the hostage again, so this was the next best thing," he shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"You're insane," I muttered, mildly amused but mostly bewildered over why he wanted to do this.

"We're all--"

"Yes, I know, 'We're all Mad here'," I cut him off, "That still doesn't explain why we have to keep up this act."

We were almost back at the place where Victor abducted me the day before— the meeting place where he was supposed to exchange me for goods. A while back, he had me do a half-assed tie on his hands and put a blindfold over his eyes. According to him, it was for dramatic effect.

"Because it's fun," he answered and I rolled my eyes in exasperation. That was his other reason earlier too. "Just play along for now."

"Fine, whatever. But if you get punched in the face, don't blame me," I told him plainly.

"Wouldn't dream of it, KitKat," he said dramatically and I wrinkled my nose.

"What's with the nickname?" I asked curiously.

"Because KitKat is awesome and I have a sweet tooth. Since you're the sweetest thing here..." He trailed off and I could tell he was smirking.

"That was so cheesy," I snorted in amusement.

"But you love me anyway," he pointed out smugly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Vix," I said with a smirk.

He chuckled and muttered something I didn't quite catch but by then we were at the meeting place and I decided not to ask anything in case anyone was already there and overhead.

Someone was there when we arrived. Several someone's in fact. They were all there. All of them. I was so stunned for a moment that I didn't know what to say. "Uh, hi guys," I ended up saying awkwardly, drawing their attention to me.

"Katya!" Saya exclaimed, the first to rush at me. She barreled into me and I almost lost my grip on the rope I held. She hugged me tightly before she was ripped off of me with a sound of protest leaving her lips. Kohta's hair tickled my cheek as he squeezed the life out of me, breathing heavily. I hugged him with one arm, rubbing his back soothingly. "I'm okay, Kohta. I'm safe," I said softly.

"I'm sorry!" He blurted out, over my words, "I let you get taken and I-I couldn't do anything!" He sniffed and my heart broke. I let go of the rope and wrapped my other arm around him.

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