Twentieth Corpse: The Getaway Plan

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❝Let's not waste any time then.❞

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Twentieth Corpse | The Getaway Plan

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[Z-day +4 | Apr. 18 | 12:56hrs]

It was really painful having to hold onto Thomson throughout the ride to get out of Higashi Hills but somehow I managed. We took over an hour just to maneuver around random herds of the dead that had accumulated in various areas in the neighborhood.

My thoughts remained with Saya as we left Higashi Hills behind. There was no way she wasn't bothered by this. But knowing her, she'd act tough about it. I just hoped she realized it was okay to let her worry out before it consumed her. Ha. Look at me being all hypocritical and shit.

"Jeez..." Thomson suddenly muttered and the bike jerked to a stop.

"What? Why are we stopping?" I asked him with a frown.

"Take a look for yourself..." He muttered, leaning to the side so I could look past him.

My eyes went wide when I did. The route we'd taken let back out onto the highway and boy was there some serious deadlock traffic.

As far as the eye could see, there were droves of the dead, lumbering steadily toward Higashi Hills.


"It's because of that damn pulse," Thomson muttered, sounding agitated, "We must have the only working engines up this side, not to mention the Don was using dynamite. He must have done it on purpose to take out as many of the dead as he could..."

"Or to attract potential allies," Shiki commented from behind me, "Don Takagi is far from foolish. He wouldn't just sign his own death warrant when he knows the city is still under the control of the dead. Anyone nearby who has the will to live will converge on the estate, knowing there are like-minded people there—people with the motivation to live."

"True," Thomson muttered thoughtfully, "Of course that leaves us with the issue of getting past these brain dead bastards..."

"As unfortunate as it is, we may need to abandon our vehicles..." Shiki murmured.

"Abandon Kiki?" Thomson gasped dramatically, "You wash your mouth!"

I snorted, "I just knew you had to be one of those guys who named their rides and got attached to them..."

"Kiki is not just a 'ride'," Thomson retorted, "She is a timeless beauty of a mount, faithful to the end."

"It's a machine," I deadpanned.

Thomson gasped and practically hugged his bike, "You take that back!"

I slapped him upside the head.

"Violent much?" Thomson mumbled, rubbing the back of his head with a scowl.

A throat cleared ahead of us and I looked up. Takashi stood there looking peeved as hell. "If you two are done flirting, we're over here trying to come up with a plan of action..." He muttered through his teeth.

My eyebrows shot up and my nose wrinkled. What the fuck?

Thomson snorted, "If you really classify that as flirting, you must really have a hard time with the ladies. It just shows how green you are, kid. That wasn't flirting. If I really flirted with the fire kitten, she'd be all over me by now."

Katya Edition: Second EditionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora