Fourteenth Corpse: The Confrontation

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Fourteenth Corpse | The Confrontation

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[Z-day +3 | Apr. 17 | 06:03hrs]

"Don't keep me waiting, I have other matters to attend to," Don Takagi said bluntly and I wanted to glare at him. Did he really think I'd be eager to take part in this? Quinton was my best friend, for crying out loud, the person I was closest to. He was the only one who knew my entire past. Not even Saya and Kohta were granted every detail of who I was. Not like him. If he was bitten...if I had to kill wouldn't just break me, I'd completely shatter.


My grip tightened on the deadly weapon in my grasp.

I couldn't just leave him like that if that was the case. My eyes flickered to Takashi and he was already looking at me, eyes filled with worry. Did he go through this agonizing process? Was it this hard for him? Or had it been easier because he resented Hisashi's presence? Would it have been easier if I was still convincing myself I hated Quin?

I already had my answer before I'd even wondered. No. Nothing would have made something like this easier. I realized that attacking Takashi the way I did over what happened with Hisashi had been selfish and uncalled for. "Takashi..." I called out softly and he looked taken aback.


My eyes stung as I locked gazes with him. "I'm sorry..."  I said quietly before turning away from him and towards where Quinton was, not waiting to see how he reacted.

I knew he didn't need an explanation, given our current situation. He would know that I finally understood his dilemma and I hoped he forgave me. There was still much bad blood between us but I wanted that at least off my already laden conscience.

"I see blood," Shizuka muttered loud enough for me to hear.

I froze up. Dear god, no...

"Luckily, it's just a cut. He must have gotten caught on something," she continued, smiling at me, "There are no bites, he's clean!"

"Jesus, Shizuka, try starting with that next time!" Saya yelled, sounding like she was about to cry and Shizuka let out a sheepish laugh.

Relief like never before coursed through my body and I felt weak. I looked down at the katana and blew out a shuddering breath I didn't know I'd been holding. My shoulders slouched and the katana lowered until it almost touched the ground. I stood there staring down at the blade.

This thing could have gone entirely different. I could have been forced to...

I squeezed my eyes shut as images of a blood-covered, decaying Quin filled my head.

My knees buckled and I fell to one knee, head bent and shuddering breaths leaving my body. A hand closed over mine on the handle of the katana and I looked up to see the Don standing over me.

"I believe this belongs to me," he said plainly, taking his katana from my stiff fingers and sheathing it smoothly. He stared down at me for a long time before giving a grunt and turning away. "You lasted longer than I expected, Rivera," was all he said before walking off.

I stared after him with a half bewildered, half exhausted expression. What was that about?

Someone crouched next to me, drawing my attention away from him for now. Takashi's brown eyes were filled with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked me softly, reaching for my arm to help me up.

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