Sixteenth Corpse: The Right Choice

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❝I should kill you...❞

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Sixteenth Corpse | The Right Choice

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[Z-day +4 | Apr. 18 | 09:49hrs]

I practically leapt through the open doorway of the Takagi Mansion, barely wincing when my bare feet dragged against the rough stones layered over the driveway.

I spotted the lanky, dark clad form of that insect Shidou almost immediately. He was standing near one of the Don's men, an easy smile on his face as he chatted the man up, his evil hidden behind the teacher persona perfectly.

My eyes darkened and I didn't hesitate to tackle the unsuspecting slimeball to the hard ground.

He yelped as he slammed into the ground before he realized who was on top of him and his eyes widened. "K-katya?!"

I grabbed him by the collar and twisted my hand into the material to get a firm grip on him. My fist slammed into his face with a satisfying smack and his head snapped back, blood spurting from his newly broken nose immediately. "Where's my brother?!" I snarled, the words slipping from my lips easily, without much thought.

"B-b-brother?" He stammered out in pain, gripping his bleeding nose.

My fist slammed into his face again. "Where is he?!" I growled out, my grip so tight on his collar that he gagged.

I realized I was being overzealous when his face started turning blue and I loosened by grip on his collar.

He coughed and wheezed, desperately gulping in oxygen. He would be useless until he caught his breath so I let go of him, letting his head fall and slam into the ground as I stood up. I looked around until I spotted the tour bus to the far end of the driveway.

"Yamada," I mumbled, taking off yet again, just as the others made it outside and found the prone Shidou.

I don't think I'd ever moved as fast in my life as I did in that moment and in no time at all, I was at the tour bus, wrenching the doors open and startling everyone there into gasping.

I got onto the bus and my eyes did a quick scan of the faces peeking up over the seats.

Yamada wasn't one of them.

I sucked in a sharp breath and ran into the aisle of the bus, frantically checking each seat for a glimpse of him but none of the people there were Yamada.

"So the gaijin bitch lives," sneered a familiar voice and my eyes flickered up to meet the brown eyes of none other than Tsunoda.

Tsunoda Kotaru, a first rate jackass from my class who was always trying to see under my skirt or pick on my friends. And if I recall, he was also one of the jackasses Saya had said grabbed Yamada.

My eyes darkened and I delivered a sickening uppercut to him that had him gasping for air and doubling over. Once his hair was in hand-reach, I gripped the bleached out strands and slammed his face into the back of one of the bus seats twice before shoving him down into the seat and grabbing his arms. I pulled back on them while sinking my knee into his spine and he screamed in pain.

"Where is Yamada?" I asked him through clenched teeth.

"I—I don't know!" He cried out, "Get off of me!"

I pulled his arms back and he screamed out again. "You don't get to make demands right now, Tsunoda!" I hissed, "And you don't get to lie either, 'cause I know for a fact that it was you and Ishikawa who grabbed him for that bitch, Mia. Now let's try this again. Where is Yamada?!" I wrenched his arms back even further and he let out a sob.

Katya Edition: Second EditionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora