Forty Ninth Corpse: What Could Be So Dangerous? (2)

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"I'll break a few more unless you start talking."

Forty-Ninth Corpse | What Could Be So Dangerous? (2)


[Iwo Jima | October - Year 1, Term 2 | Night]

"Remind me again why we should go to war with such nice people?" I muttered to Hisashi as we idled in the recreational room of the guest dorm. It had ambience like a game arcade or a casino, with mini fridges, comfortable sofas, a bookshelf and rows of actual video game consoles and games. We were in the lounge area, occupying some dark red, velvet couches. Hisashi was scrolling through the forum on his phone for any hint to Iwo Jima's diabolical plans this year while I lazed next to him limply, my legs hanging over the back of the couch and my head hanging off the seat as I flipped through a gamer's magazine for teens, admiring artwork and character designs from some of the upcoming games. Hisashi looked away from his phone, plucked the magazine from between my fingers and bopped me on the forehead with it.

"To think our own Burning Ice would be bought so easily by a game magazine," Hisashi mocked, dropping the magazine on the nearby table before reaching out and pulling me up into a sitting position.

I let him pull me up before snorting, "I don't hear any complaints as you take advantage of the free, high speed Wi-Fi," I said mockingly.

"For recon purposes," he argued, his lips twitching when I only snickered in response to his claim.

He sighed and flicked my forehead, "Take this seriously, this place may seem like a bed of roses but the patrons and sponsors of this school are dangerous people, and if not, they have connections to dangerous people," he said seriously while I rubbed my flicked forehead.

"I get it, we're behind enemy lines," I mumbled, "Doesn't mean we can't have a little fun, right?"

Hisashi sighed, looking at me disapprovingly.

"Fine, fine, I'll behave," I muttered, folding my arms, and leaning back against the couch. Something cold touched my arm and I jolted in surprise, leaning my head back and looking up at Quin who'd silently approached from behind us. He pulled the cold object away from my arm and handed it to me. It was orange juice I asked him to get me earlier.

"This place has vending machines on every floor," Quin remarked, dropping onto the couch on my other side, "How rich are they really?"

"You have no idea," I said dramatically, leaning against his shoulder as I sipped my juice, "Where's your girlfriend?" I nudged him teasingly.

His face flushed slightly, and he shrugged, "She texted that she was on her way when I was on my way back." He suddenly frowned and started looking around, "Actually, she should be here by now."

"She's probably nearby already," I said with a shrug.

"Maybe," Quin murmured, still frowning in worry, and looking over his shoulder at the entrance, the muscles in his neck straining as he did so.

I rolled my eyes slightly at what I deemed unnecessary worrying. "Alright, come on, let's go find your girl before you break your neck." I finished my orange juice and sat up, grabbing his arm and tugging him to his feet. Hisashi stood at the same time and I looked his way.

"I'll come with," He murmured when he caught my eye before showing me his phone screen, "Takashi sent me a text a half hour ago that he'd be here soon, and he's not here yet. He's not responding to my texts either."

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