Seventh Corpse: The Promise

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❝Yesterday I thought it was hard to hate you. I was wrong.❞

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Seventh Corpse | The Promise

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[Z-day +1 | Apr. 15 | 14:46hrs]

"It's like a battlefield," Takashi mumbled solemnly as we surveyed the state of the city during the day.

The world had gone crazy overnight and now no one was pulling any punches. I'm talking criminal activities out in the open everywhere and no law enforcement left to do a thing about it.

It was complete chaos.

"This is us sooner or later," I mumbled in resignation, watching the brutality of anarchists against the defenseless numbers of those too weak to take up a weapon and fight for their lives. "The strong take whatever they want from the weak, that's always been the way of the world, it's just manifesting more honestly now that people are hyper aware that their time is limited..."

Takashi was silent for a while. "Do you really believe that?" He finally asked, voice subdued.

"That the strong take from the weak? Yes," I said honestly before thinking of Yamada, "But I also believe that the strong can choose to protect the weak, and I think I like that choice much better. There's no fun in beating down an opponent who can't fight back, but that's just me though."

Our first conversation in hours and we choose a heavy topic like this. Jeez.

I cleared my throat and said, "We should get going now before those guys spot us and try to cut us off."

The guys in question were gun-toting maniacs who were shooting up the place and terrorising the regular people of the city. It didn't surprise me that this was happening, after all, people like them came out of the woodwork like termites in situations like this. It was unfortunate but Takashi and I could do nothing for the people they were terrorising.

So Takashi kicked the bike back into action and we fled past the quivering masses and their tormentors.

"Hey! Get back here!" One guy yelled, alerting the others up ahead of us.

Takashi swore softly, "Guess we may have a harder time than I thought," he muttered. "Keep your head low," he advised and I tightened my grip on him and pressed my head down against his back.

I honestly didn't want to but:

A bullet whizzed past my head.

These guys didn't care about what I wanted.

The bike shot past the rampaging men, barely missed by whizzing bullets and swinging meat cleavers. Who knew it only took a single night of disaster for anarchy to break loose?

We cleared the obstacle of these psycho men in record time with a few close calls that I had no interest in repeating and then we were on open road.

Tokonosu bridge was just up ahead then we'd be over the river and closer to the others. Takashi veered left, turning away from the bridge and surprising me.

"You missed the bridge..." I told him in bemusement.

"Take a closer look at the bridge," Takashi mumbled somberly.

Frowning, I turned around, my mouth forming an 'O' as I saw what he was talking about. The traffic was backed up on the bridge and people were fleeing off of it as the dead chased after them lazily. "Well...that sucks..." I remarked in a flat manner before facing the front once more. "Come on, no sense wasting time here. To Onbetsu bridge it is."

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