Twenty Eighth Corpse: The Stupid Nice

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❝Too many bad things happen because we can't admit to ourselves and to our precious ones what we feel.❞

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Twenty Eighth Corpse | The Stupid Nice

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[Z-day +7 | Apr. 21 | 12:47hrs]

Quin let go of me and I stepped back, giving him some space but allowing my hand to linger on his shoulder reassuringly.

Knowing him, he was terrified of what the others thought of him now. Honestly, so was I. Rei already tried to kill him and sure they defended him then but what about now?

We both turned to face the others and for the first time I noticed the invisible line that had been drawn between us and them. They were wary of him—a blind person could see it. Saya was the first to break the ice and she did so by walking up to Quin and pulling him into a hug that was probably a strangle-hold's stunt double. Quin let out a yelp and I stepped back to give them some space.

"Welcome back," Saya murmured, her voice sounding choked, like she was trying not to cry. "Idiot."

"Good to be back," Quin wheezed, squirming in her grip, "I'd like to stay back too, so could you maybe not crush my lungs? Please?"

Saya chuckled and let go of him, wiping her eyes. "You're such a big baby, honestly. Throwing tantrums and then whining."

Kohta snorted and stepped forward, "Yeah, only you would call mutilation a tantrum." His tone was light and humorous but Quin still flinched and I winced slightly. I think the sting of his words was softened by his follow up action of doing that 'man-hug' with Quin, the one where they don't hug so much as rest an arm on the other one's shoulder and clap each other's back.

"Leave some heroing for the rest of us next time," Thomson joked in true Thomson fashion.

"That isn't even a word," Saya scoffed, amused.

And just like that, the tension in our group was broken and everyone's voices overlapped as they took turns making wise cracks or bickering with each other. Surprisingly enough, even Rei and Takashi were a part of it. Their smiles were a bit forced and their chuckles a bit dry but I had to give them credit for trying. Even if I still didn't trust them as far as I could throw them.

"We should get back to the task at hand now that Quin's back with us," Shiki was the one to call order to the group and no one complained. "Saya, continue with the teams."

Saya nodded, pushing up her glasses, "Right. Shiki and Rei, Saeko and Takashi, Katya and Kohta, and I'll go with Quin," she finished off before glancing Thomson's way, "You're on medic and munchkin duty, Thomson," she said, pointing to Shizuka and Alice.

"What? Why?" Thomson protested, "I'll be of more use out there."

Saya shook her head, "You're an all-rounder so you get to stay behind. Each team was created with balance in mind. We need to combine skills and tactics, even against the dead—yesterday should have made that clear to you. You and Katya got tired because you both used close combat. This way, each team has someone who can use a gun."

"But you can't use a gun," Saeko pointed out.

"Which is why I can't be the one to protect Shizuka and Alice," Saya countered, "At least if I go with Quin, I have less to worry about—he can keep us both safe."

Quin looked stunned by her words. " trust me that much?" He questioned.

"Yes," Saya answered without hesitation, a small smile playing at the corner of her lips and a soft look in her eyes that I was pretty sure was reserved for only him.

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