Twenty Fourth Corpse: The Psychedelic Adventure

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❝Funny, the feeling's mutual.❞

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Twenty Fourth Corpse | The Psychedelic Adventure

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[Z-day +5 | Apr. 19 | 22:40hrs]

"What do we do?"

That was the question on everybody's mind the minute we realized that we'd screwed up.

"Whatever it is, we have roughly thirty to sixty minutes to decide," Shiki said grimly, "Jimson weed is no garden variety psychotropic drug. It's the real deal. People have died using the stuff. Once it kicks in, none of us will have the coherency to make decisions. We'll be at the mercy of whatever our minds cook up."

"Could we sleep it off?" Saya asked, eyebrows furrowed.

Shiki shook his head, "This isn't that kind of drug. It runs its course and leaves its mess behind. Here's to hoping that all of us only inhaled enough to make us lose it for a few hours at max. I suggest we each go into separate rooms, remove all dangerous objects and barricade ourselves in."

"Let's not waste any time then," I muttered.

No one argued.

We spent the next fifteen minutes removing all sharp, heavy and potentially dangerous objects from our respective rooms.

"If we had more time, I'd suggest tying ourselves to the bed but we don't have the time for that, nor the resources," Shiki murmured. "Everyone, into a room and try to get your bed and anything else that's troublesome to move against the door."

I watched as everyone else wished each other good luck and went into their rooms. Their dark rooms.

I chewed on my lower lip, peering into the dark interior of my room and trying to will myself to go inside.

Something cool was slipped into my hand and I jerked in surprise, almost dropping the object.

"Easy," Thomson murmured, placing his hand on mine and squeezing it over whatever he'd just handed me.

I looked down at the object and blinked in surprise when I saw a flashlight. My eyes flickered up to him and he cracked a cocky smile, "Don't miss me too much tonight, fire kitten." He let go of my hand and turned away, walking off toward his room.

"Thank you," I blurted out before he could go inside.

He paused and turned slightly. "For you? Not a problem."

With that, he went inside and closed the door behind him and I was suddenly the only one still outside. I clicked on the flashlight and rushed into my room, closing the door behind me and piling as many things as I could against the door. Then I got onto the bed with the flashlight and curled up, forgoing the blankets because I felt warm already.



That was when I knew I was already being affected by the jimson weed. But Shiki said we had time! Unless...maybe we were inhaling it long before we even smelled it. Or was it in the herbs we put in the food? Gah!

"Crap..." I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut in hopes that I really could sleep it off like Saya had suggested.

The first change I noticed was in my temperature. I felt hot all over, like a tingly warmth spreading from my feet to the rest of my body, sort of like when you sat with your legs crisscrossed for too long. There was a certain warmth that spread through your legs when you finally stretched them out again and the blood started flowing normally. This one started in my feet and spread up to my head.

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