Eighteenth Corpse: The Awkward Alliance

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❝You're such an ass.❞

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Eighteenth Corpse | The Awkward Alliance

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[Z-day +4 | Apr. 18 | 10:15hrs]

After leaving the Don's office, Shiki left me to go secure our transportation and his own personal knapsack for the trip. We wanted to travel lightly in case we needed to ditch the vehicle.

I went back to the room but Saya wasn't there, so I finished checking the knapsack I had before changing into more suitable clothing. I was still clad in the training gear, from when I fought Thomson, the entire time--which was sort of embarrassing when I thought about it. I changed into a fitted light gray t-shirt and a pair of khaki cargo pants, tucking them into a pair of brown and black, lace up utility boots.

The weapons the Don gave me were resting on Saya's bed and I took the chance to give them a good look. The scabbard of the o tachi were both designed in wine red and gold, giving it a subtle sort of regal impression. The sheath of the yoroi toshi was black and silver. They were both really beautiful and when I finally unsheathed them, my breath caught at the level of craftsmanship put into them both. For the Don to give me weapons so painstakingly intricate meant that he really was impressed by me. It was a startling thought, given the kind of man he was.

Trying to figure out how to wear the weapons was an entirely different story. It was easy to find a spot for the yoroi toshi. I tied it to a tactical utility belt from Rika's flat, where I kept the final hunting knife from the set. The o tachi on the other hand weren't that easy to place. I'd only ever seen people use one, strapped to their hip. The Don had given me two and the koshiate was different than normal too. There were four loops instead of two and the strap was actually made of two straps, crossing over each other and forming an 'X'. Once I placed both o tachi into their respective loops, they ran parallel to the straps, forming an 'X' as well. I couldn't understand where the strap needed to go on my body.

There was a knock on the door, startling me out of my mental debating. "Come in," I called out distractedly.

The door opened and Shiki stepped inside the room. His dark eyes fell on the o tachi I was currently glaring at in concentration and I heard him chuckle. "Need some help?" He asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

It agitated me that I did in fact need help but I was pressed for time so I shrugged and muttered, "Sure."

He placed his pouch down on the floor before crossing over to me and reaching up to take my knapsack.

I stepped back out of his reach, "What are you doing?" I asked, eyeing him strangely.

He looked surprised for a moment before an easy smile took its place, "The o tachi are designed to go on your back," he told me. "I have to take off your knapsack to help you put it on."

"Oh..." I muttered, relaxing and stepping back into his reach, "Fine. Make it quick."

He nodded and stepped around me, slipping his hands under the straps of my knapsack. I tensed up slightly in surprise as his hands brushed against my shoulders, relaxing a moment later and allowing him to slip the straps off of my shoulders.

He picked up the koshiate and slipped the o tachi free of it. "Your arm," he murmured and I lifted my arm in response. He slipped the first side on and then followed with the other side, adjusting it as he went along and making sure I was comfortable. When he was done, he slipped the sheathed o tachi back into the modified koshiate, and strapped them in so that they didn't come out when I drew the weapons. "Finished," he said, stepping back to look at his handy work.

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