Twelfth Corpse: The Confessions

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❝Can you just not? I'm tired of this and I'm tired of you.❞

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Twelfth Corpse | The Confessions

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[Z-day +2 | Apr. 16 | 10:27hrs]

The loud honk of a van horn made me jump in surprise and completely miss my chest, stabbing myself in the shoulder instead.

"Jesus!" I howled in pain, quickly ripping the knife back out and pressing my hand to my bleeding shoulder. It didn't go in very far but Jesus, it hurt like a bitch.

The walking corpses around the phone booth dispersed, likely heading after the source of that horn. I pushed myself to my feet and my eyes widened as I saw several vans and pickups just tearing through the masses of the dead mercilessly.

People clad in hazmat suits exited the vans and pickups and wreaked havoc on the dead with pressurised weapons and other random weapons like metal pipes and baseball bats. It was a total beat down that had my jaw dropping in disbelief. How even?

"Katya!" I heard someone call out and I looked up to see Saya running towards the phone booth with none other than her mother behind her.

The all but shattered glass door was yanked open and Saya dragged me out of the phone booth and into a tight hug. "Don't you ever scare me like that ever again!" She yelled at me.

"Because I'm jeopardising the fighting force?" I asked teasingly out of habit.

"No because you're my best friend!" She yelled, shocking me.

"And a complete idiot!" Saeko suddenly yelled, stalking up to me as Saya let go and stepped aside, "What were you thinking, tackling that thing?!"

"That I needed to save my best friend's girl or he'd never forgive me," I said without missing a beat.

Her eyes widened. "You could have died!" She exclaimed incredulously.

"Oh trust me," I breathed out, reaching up to rub my chest where I'd been planning on stabbing myself, "I know."

"Your shoulder!" Saya exclaimed worriedly, "What the hell happened?"

I stiffened slightly before muttering, "I got stabbed."


"It doesn't matter," I mumbled cryptically, my tone making it clear that I had no intentions of talking about it.

They didn't need to know that I was about to off myself.

I blinked and Takashi was suddenly in my face, looking down at me with an unreadable expression. My stomach did a fun little flip at his proximity to me but I gave no outward indication of it. Instead I shifted one eyebrow upward and looked up at him questioningly. "Can I help you?" I asked him bluntly.

I was scarcely finished talking when Takashi had crushed me tightly to him, his face buried in my hair.

I froze up in shock and disbelief. What even? Was Takashi Komuro actually initiating physical contact with me while Rei Miyamoto was right there?!

I couldn't see her expression because I was too short to see past his shoulder but I imagined it would be far from pleased.

"Don't you ever do that again..." Takashi whispered shakily, and I felt his body trembling against mine. "I thought you were...I thought I lost you Kat... Don't ever make me relive that horror again... I can't lose you. Not you. Never you..." His voice was hoarse and he sounded like he was about to cry.

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