Thirteenth Corpse: The Responsibility

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❝You don't have the decide what happens to him!❞

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Thirteenth Corpse | The Responsibility

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[Z-day +3 | Apr. 17 | 05:46hrs]

The unmistakable sound of gunshots had me jumping out of another surprisingly restful sleep.

"What's happening?" Saya groaned from beside me, pushing a drowsy Saeko off of her.

Somehow, our talk turned into a sleepover and we'd swapped stories about Quin's quirks until the small hours of the morning before falling asleep.

"Are we being overrun?" Saeko asked as she blinked the sleep away.

I shrugged, squinting my eyes at the clock on Saya's bedside table and groaning. "Really? The dead are so inconsiderate..." My morbid humour earned me two strange looks and I shrugged and got up, making my way out of the room.

They trailed after me and we met up with the rest of our group in the hallway.

"What's going on?" Rei asked with a frown.

"Are you blind or just dense?" Saya snapped irately, "How are we supposed to know anymore than you if we're all here?"

As satisfying as it was to watch, it wasn't the time or place. "Saya," I muttered, "Chill."

She rolled her eyes and muttered an insincere apology but it was better than nothing.

A door opened at the end of the hallway and two men in a standard uniform stepped outside, followed by Saya's mother and two more men dressed casually.

"Mama!" Saya called out, getting their attention before they could move off.

Yuriko looked back at us before turning to the uniformed men. She said something and they nodded and took off while she remained behind with the other two guys. We made our way to her and Saya asked, "What's happening? We heard gunshots."

"It's Quinton," Yuriko said softly, "They found him."

That was all she had to say for Saeko to take off down the hallway.

Yuriko turned to one of the men with her and said, "Thomson, restrain Miss Busujima."

'Thomson' flashed us a cocky smirk, startlingly blue eyes filled with arrogance. He clearly wasn't Japanese, or at least not a pure one. He turned and took off after Saeko and I made to go after him. If he hurt her, he'd be in the world of pain.

The other man with Yuriko stepped in front of me. "I'm afraid, I can't let you go," he said quietly, dark eyes fixed on me with unnerving intensity.

"Mama, what's the meaning of this?!" Saya protested, "If Quin is here then why are you keeping us from him?!"

"It's what your father decided," Yuriko said apologetically. "He's the one who found him and...and they haven't confirmed whether he's been bitten yet or not."

I stilled.

"No! Let me go!" Saeko's frantic scream came from down the hallway. After hearing that, I forced myself to step forward and shake off the shock of Yuriko's words. Saeko needed me.

"Move," I bit out, glaring at the dark haired man in front of me.

"I can't do that," he said plainly.

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