Eleventh Corpse: The Fight

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❝He's always been a fighter. If there's anything you can put faith in, it's that he's a stubborn SOB.❞

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Eleventh Corpse | The Fight

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[Z-day +2 | Apr. 16 | 06:09hrs]

I managed to get a few hours of dreamless sleep as Shizuka drove. When my eyes opened the next morning, Alice and Zeke were nowhere to be found. My heart leapt to my throat and I sat up in a panic, all sleep gone from me.

I was about to wake everyone up but then I heard singing on top of the Humvee. Alice was singing a familiar rhyme in English, much to my surprise.

"Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream!"

"Wow, Alice! That's so cool!" Kohta exclaimed cheerfully, "Let me try!"

My eyebrow shot up. Now this I had to hear.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot your gun!
Kill them all now!
Bang, bang, bang, bang!
Life is but a dream!"

I stifled a laugh with my hand.

"Wow Kohta, you're so good!" Alice chimed in awe.

"Hey, lardo! You shouldn't teach those kinds of songs to kids!" Saya yelled at him.

Talk about entertainment. I was glad Alice was more cheerful now though. She would definitely bring a bit of sunshine to our group, even amidst the storm engulfing our world.

I relaxed against the seat and glanced at Quin and Saeko. They were both fast asleep, her head on his lap and his arm resting protectively over her. It was cute. I'd always found them cute together. To the right of them were Takashi and Rei, her head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her. My expression soured and I looked away. Not cute at all.

"We're almost there," Shizuka told me from the driver's seat, "Could you wake them all up, Katya?"

I tapped Quin on the knee, "Hey, wake up."

His eyes snapped open and he sat up looking ready for a fight.

"Easy," I mumbled softly, "We're almost to the other side."

He blinked a few times, looking around before relaxing. "Oh," he mumbled, "Thanks."

Thanks to Rika's Humvee, we were able to make our own way across the river despite the blocked off bridge, and into the upper class side of Higashi. I was just thankful I was asleep for most of it.

"You okay?" Quin asked me quietly as he shook Saeko awake.

"Never better," I mumbled, picking at invisible lint on my shirt for a way to distract myself from the presence of water beyond the windows of the Humvee. He looked unconvinced but didn't push it.

When the Humvee finally banked, I was out of there faster than anyone could say 'land'. There was never a more glorious feeling then my bare feet against moist soil and fresh grass.

Hang on.

Bare feet?

I took a look down at myself and realized I was still clad in the underpants and vest from Rika's flat. Right, none of us had the chance to change into more suitable clothes before we bolted.

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