First Corpse: The Beginning

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❝Usually when I kill something, it stays dead. I am not amused right now. ❞

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First Corpse | The Beginning

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There was something oddly satisfying about drilling a hole through your principal's head.

And I could probably spend all day trying to convince you I'm not a killer but truth is, I am. I think we all are by now.

Confused? I was too, when the dead started rebelling against the living.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The best place to start is the beginning so let's do that.

[Z-day | Apr. 14 | 9:08 hrs]

There were about a million words I could use to describe what I felt toward the human being I was forced to partner up with for the brainstorming part of our Spring Festival.

Resentment. Contempt. Disgust. Disdain. Disparagement. Anger. Fury. Rage. Like I want to stab myself just to have an excuse to leave.

None of those quite captured the bitter negative emotions churning in my stomach as I forced myself to sit beside him. My body was stiff and tense, rebelling at the mere thought of being this close to him.

He was just as rigid beside me and I had the galling thought that maybe he might be as repulsed by me as I was by him.

Neither of us spoke, and our eyes were studiously kept fixed on spots that were nowhere near each other.  

"Rivera? McAuliffe? Are you two having trouble coming up with ideas?" Koichi Shidou asked as he came to a stop beside our pushed together combinations. He was a vile, pretentious bastard who I couldn't stand and I hated when his beady dark eyes leered at me but he was our Social Studies teacher and there were certain things you couldn't tell teachers.

Like where they could find a gun to spare the world of their existence.

"We're fine..." The somewhat hoarse response came from beside me, the cracking voice of a teen male in all its pubescent glory filled with just as much disdain towards Shidou as I felt.

I saw Shidou's eyes narrow on my partner and his lips turned thin with annoyance. Those eyes then flickered to me and he gave me a once over before smirking slightly. "Very well then," he said with all the charm of a snake 'cuddling' you just before they strangled you to death.

My fist clenched on the top of the desk as I restrained myself from telling him to shove it.

"Less idle staring and more planning would be nice, you two," he said jovially, "Please, do your best!"

My face twisted in disgust as I stared after his retreating form, amber eyes filled with disdain. What a fraud.

"Well," my partner spoke from beside me and I glanced at him. My stare made him go even more rigid and he swallowed a few times, lowering his hazel eyes to the desk before muttering, "Let's just get this over with so we can leave."

"Gladly," I muttered dryly, taking out a sheet of writing paper and a pen. For the next hour and a half, I put pen to paper and at the end, we had a full list of ideas to submit to Shidou. Not that I really cared about the stupid festival but this counted as course work and I'd be damned if I had to repeat a year of this hell just because I didn't contribute to one stinking school festival.

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