Fourth Corpse: The Separation

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❝We're stuck together for the time being in the name of survival, but don't think that means anything to me. I still hate you.❞

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Fourth Corpse | The Separation

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[Z-day | Apr. 14 | 17:11hrs]

The sun was beginning to set now. We'd been driving for a while, having to take detours every other block thanks to riots, traffic jams and hordes of the dead. It was exhausting even while simply sitting still. I wanted to sleep but at the same time I didn't. I don't think anyone could really fall asleep at a time like this and someone like me was even worse off.

So I got up to stretch my legs, taking care to not wake up Yamada. Hopefully now that he was asleep, the medicine would work in and he'd feel better. I stood and stretched my arms heavenward, lacing my fingers together. I did a few random stretches and sighed each time something cracked or popped, feeling relieved immediately after.

I looked up to where my hands were and my eyes focused on the handkerchief wrapped around my right hand. My body paused mid-stretch and tensed up once more.

Hisashi. Where was Hisashi? In all the fuss over getting out of the school I'd never once thought to ask about him. I spun on my heel and made a beeline toward where Takashi sat beside a sleeping Rei. His eyes were closed. Were they both really asleep? Right now?

I raised my hand to shake him awake but just before my fingers touched him, I pulled back, uncertain. If Hisashi wasn't here then he was probably...

I swallowed. Did I really want to know what happened in fine detail?

Thinking back to all the times Hisashi had stuck around me even when I was being a complete bitch, I decided that yes, I did want to--no, I needed to know.

I reached forward determinedly to shake Takashi awake and question him but a rather familiar, rather agitating voice interrupted me before I could.

"Perhaps you should let them sleep, Miss Rivera."

I closed my eyes for a moment before looking heavenward in inquiry of why the universe was subjecting me to the torture of Koichi Shidou's presence even at world's end.

I let my hand drop to my side and turned to face the snake of a man. "To what do I owe the displeasure of your company, Mister Shidou?" I asked bitingly.

He seemed unaffected by the insult laced into my words, only chuckling and sticking his hands into his pockets. "I'm merely making sure that my students are all okay," his eyes glinted and he stepped closer to me, "You, especially."

I stiffened at his proximity but didn't cow away like he was probably expecting me to. "If you value anything about yourself, I suggest you back the fuck up," I said scathingly, glaring up at him.

His mouth thinned slightly as he began to get annoyed but hell if I cared about his feelings. "Such foul language from such pretty lips..." He murmured quietly, "Did you forget that you're speaking to a teacher?"

"I don't care if you're the damn pope, step back or lose your teeth, your choice," I all but growled.

Shidou had always rubbed me the wrong way. During my second term at Fujimi, he'd started lurking around wherever I was and it bordered on creepy. Scratch that. It was creepy. He'd eased up on it during third term but apparently he wanted to go down stalker road again. And now he seemed even more brazen than before. I never could figure out what exactly he wanted with me.

Katya Edition: Second EditionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt