Car Ride

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Y/n's POV
It was the next day, I was washing my uniform until I get a call. I picked up my phone to Alex's name.
"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone
"Hey Y/n, are you ready?" Alex responded
"Well.." I look at myself in the mirror to see that my hair was a mess along with me still being in my pajamas. "You can say that.." I chuckled.
I can hear Alex sighing, seems like she wasn't expecting that answer. I rush over to my closet and grab the first piece of clothing I see
"I'll be ready in 5 minutes I promise. I'll send my address afterwards."
"Alright then. See you later then!"

                     5 minutes later


Finally dressed, I called Alex to let her know that I was ready. She immediately responded by saying that her & Zach are on their way to pick me up. Before going outside, I texted one of my employees to make sure they lock up the snack bar before leaving.
Waiting for at least 10 minutes, I finally hear a car honk. That must mean that Zach & Alex have arrived. I excitingly got out the house making sure to lock it, then looking back to see an electric white car. I then see Alex's head poke out the window, smiling and signaling me to get in.
"Hey Y/n!" She yells out, "Hurry, we wouldn't want to be late."
I walk towards their car. Zach gets out from the drivers seat, then opening up one of the car doors. Before getting in, I thanked him. After getting inside, Zach closes the door and gets back in the drivers seat. Alex unbuckles her seatbelt and greets me with a warm hug.
"Shall we go?" She asks
I nod and before we knew it, Zach started to drive back to their mansion. On the car ride there, I was starting to get to know Zach and getting to know about their YouTube gaming channel together. I was surprised knowing that I was friends with a popular youtuber, however that does not change the way I see her as.
"I can't wait for you to meet our friends Y/n! I just know we'll have a great time hanging out" Alex says
I smile as a response, I looked out the window watching the beautiful houses we drove by. Before we knew it, we've arrived at our destination.

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