Sad Charli // Light's secret crush?

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(Y/n's pov)
Luca and I were still in the kitchen eating our breakfast. Surprisingly the squad still hasn't woken up yet aside from Charli and Light.
"I wonder how it's going" I said while taking a bite of my pancakes
"With Charli and Light? I do too, She hasnt come down yet so im sure things are going great" Said Luca
We continued to eat until we heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. To our surprise it was Charli with an upset look on her face.
"Charli? What's the matter?" I asked
She stood there quietly. Her attention was on the floor. I could see a tear roll down her face
"Charli?" I called out once again, She immediately broke down in front of us. Luca rushed towards her to give her a hug. I did the same.
"Did something happen?" Luca asks
Charli nods, "What happened?" We ask
"I saw Light.. SHIRTLESS" Charli yelled
Luca and I stood there giving her a 'are you serious?' face, "Really?! I thought something horrible happened!" I yelled
"Oh that too" Charli sniffled, Luca sits her down across the seat from us. She starts telling us what happened from A-Z
"So he started acting strange? He seemed fine the other day though" I said
"I know.. But when I mentioned you and Luca helping me out, his vibes were off. His aura felt sad."
Luca sighed, "I think I know what's happening here but I dont want to jump into conclusions"
"What do you think?" I asked
"Before I say anything, Charli remain calm since it's just my theory"
Charli nods
"I think Light has a crush on Y/n" He said
"What? Why do you think that?" I ask
"Think about it babe, You and Light were close. He even shared his gummy worms with you. He never does that."
Charli remained silent. I can't believe Luca's 'theory' Light & I barely spoke much since I rekindled our friendship.
"It's a 50/50." He added
Charli sighed. "We don't know for sure, but if it was true, he wouldn't confirm such things."
It was silent now. Having the thought of Light having a crush on me was not what I was expecting to come out of Luca's mouth. But again, Charli is right. Light is not the type to straight up say his feelings right away. Our thoughts were crashed by the sound of Alex talking. She told us that we'd be recording again soon.
"Okay guys, so our video plan today is that we'll be reacting to our fan videos. Zach and I already found half of the videos we'll react to, the rest of you can find ones on your own before we record." She said
"Sounds fun, Charli I bet this could cheer you up and take your mind off of Light" I said
Charli nods and smiles. Luca and I grabbed her hand and ran upstairs to my room.
(End of Y/n pov)
If you reached the end of this chapter, I apologize for the wait, June is the month of final exams and I'm practically studying everyday ;-; But after these exams are done, school will be too! ;D What grade are you going to? I'll be in 12th grade next year :) Anyways I hope y'all stay safe and have a nice summer!

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