Meeting Everyone

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Author POV
After the long drive, the three of them finally arrive to the mansion. Y/n was amazed at how beautiful and big the mansion was. Finally getting out of the car, Alex pulls Y/n by the arm, skipping to the front door.
"I can't wait for you to meet everyone!" Alex eagerly said.
"Everyone? Who's everyone?"  Y/n asked as Zach unlocks the door.
"Everyone as in our friends who live with us."
Zach said while entering the house
While entering the mansion, you see a two girls sitting on the couch along with another boy. They were playing card games yet started arguing because one of them were cheating.
"DRAKE YOU CHEATER!" Yelled the girl wearing green.
"How am I cheating? I won fair and square." Said the boy wearing blue, that must be Drake.
"Guys stop arguing, it's just a game. Lets play another round" said the girl wearing orange.
"SHUT UP CHARLI!!" They both yelled, Alex then cleared her throat. Their attention was on her now.
"Oh hey guys! Who's your friend?" Asked Charli
Alex smiled as they noticed Y/n standing besides Alex. She then starts introducing Y/n to her three friends as Zach sat down with them to play their game.
"This is Y/n, she's an old friend of mine. Y/n this is Jade, Drake, & Charli."
"It's nice to meet you Y/n" They all said
You smiled at them, 'They seem friendly' You thought. "It's nice to meet you guys too"
Being introduced to only 3 of Alex's friends, she decided to give you a tour around the mansion. You were amazed at how beautiful it was. The decor was vintage, the design giving you a princess theme vibe. Absolutely beautiful. She then showed you all the bedrooms. Too many to count, you ended seeing that most of her friends that you've never met were in their bedrooms. She decided to introduce her old friend to them as well.
Alex knocked on the door. A boy with red spiky hair opened the door. He looked like as if he just woke up. Alex then starts introducing you to him.
"Jaxx, this is Y/n. An old friend of mine."
"Nice to meet you Y/n! I hope we get to become good friends soon" He said with a smile, offering his hand to her
"Yeah, me too!" Y/n said shaking his hand
"Well Jaxx, we'll leave you back to your slumber. Come on Y/n, just four more members to see" Alex said
After leaving Jaxx's room, Alex took you to the next room, the door was wide open. You can see two boys wearing black & white. Alex knocks on their door to gain their attention. The two boys looked at your direction.
"Sorry to disturb you guys but this is Y/n! She's an old friend of mine." Alex says
The boy in all white with some black details on his shirt and pants had a smile on his face, he walks up to you and Alex, opening the door a bit more then reaching his hand out.
"Hello Y/n! I'm Luca and that's my brother Levi," He points to the boy wearing all black and some bits of white and grey, "It's nice to meet you." He says giving you a warm smile
"Hey, nice to meet you." He says
'His aura is much different from Luca's.. I assume it's because we've just met. But Luca's aura is so warm, I think him and I will become good friends in the future.' You thought to yourself
"We'll meet you guys downstairs, okay?" Alex says. She then takes you to another room, she knocks on the door to it opening revealing a boy wearing all blue just like Drake.
"Drake?" Y/n said confusingly
"Actually, I'm Sora. Drake's color is blue, I'm more of a cyan color." He says
"Anyways, Y/n this is Sora. Sora, this is Y/n, an old friend of mine." Alex said
"Oh! Nice to meet you Y/n!" He says while holding out his hand
"Nice to meet you too, Sora!" She says while shaking his hand
After shaking hands, Alex takes you to the last door.  Knocking on it, there was no response. Which was weird. Alex opened the room, there was no one inside but a purple bed and skateboards. Along with decor.
"Hmm, maybe he's not home yet. I guess we'll have to wait later." Alex said
The two of you then went downstairs to see everyone besides Jaxx playing cards and with Drake still 'cheating'
Drake tried to convince everyone that he wasn't cheating however nobody listened. The door then opens. Revealing a purple guy. He had a skate board in his hand. His lavender / yellowish eyes then laid on you.
"I was wondering where you were" Alex said,
"Y/n, I'm pretty sure you remembered me mentioning having a brother, this is Light."
"Nice to meet you, Light" You said while holding you hand out
Light stood there staring at Y/n, it was so awkward. Alex broke the silence by clearing her throat.
"Ahem. Aren't you going to introduce yourself, LIGHT?" She says while nudging him
Light stopped staring, putting down his skateboard, he then reached his hand out. As they both did a hand shake, Light runs upstairs to his room. The members started laughing, teasing him behind his back.
"Looks like Light has a crush" Zach jokingly said
"Impossible! Light is only in love with me!" Charli spoke out.

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