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"I'm pretty sure her feelings for my brother are gone."
"Is that so, Levi?"
Jaxx and Levi turn their heads to where the voice was coming from. Their eyes widened to see Luca. He had a blank expression on, he was standing by the fountain with his arms folded. He then walks towards the table where Jaxx and Levi were sitting.
"How long were you standing there?" Jaxx asks
"Long enough," Luca says as he sits down across from Levi, "You sounded pretty confident earlier, brother."
Levi remains silent and so did Jaxx. All that could be heard was the water pouring down from the fountain and the wind's howls.
"What is it?" Luca breaks the silence, "Cat got your tongue, Levi?"
"Shut up." He finally responds, "Oh so now you respond? Ha, what a joke." Luca says as he gets up from his seat
"Go ahead, take her from me." He says, "Whether its because you truly love her or not, I have no intentions on stopping you."
Before he walks back inside, a sudden grip on the lower part of his jacket stopped him from walking. He looked down to see Levi.
"What?" Luca asks, "What do you want?"
"I need to ask you something" Levi says
"And that is?"
"Why're you back here?" He asks, "Why're you acting like everything is okay? You hate the way I'm acting don't you?"
Levi's voice starts to shake again, It was the first time he's ever cried in front of his brother.

Luca places his hand on his brothers cheek as a way to comfort him

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Luca places his hand on his brothers cheek as a way to comfort him. Tears start to stream down Levi's face. He grabbed the palm of his brothers hand, holding it onto his face.
"Why're you crying, idiot?" Luca asks, "You asked 3 questions and all of a sudden you're bawling your eyes out in front of Jaxx and I? Not so tough, are you?"
"This is definitely an honor to witness Levi cry" Jaxx comments while taking some pictures, "But I'll leave you two to talk"
Jaxx gets up from his seat taking one last picture before leaving the two brothers alone. Luca switches his seat to Jaxx's. He was now sitting next to Levi.
"I left because I needed a break, I thought you already knew that, idiot.. Also, our family. They're doing better now." Luca says, "But I came back to see how everyone's doing. Especially Y/n."
"She's been miserable since the day you left." Says Levi, "She would just stay in her room continuously reading the comments the so called fans would leave."
"So I've been told. But she seems fine now, maybe it's because of you."
"Because of me? Don't be ridiculous. I haven't done anything."
Luca puts his arm around Levi's shoulder, bringing his brother closer. The aura around felt warm. Who knew all Levi needed was some bonding time with Luca.
"You still kept the promise, to make her happy." Luca said, "I heard you've been a good friend to her. That's what matters."
"I just couldn't stand watching her torture herself by looking at those malicious comments. She reminds me of you, Luca."
"Does she?" Luca asks, "I don't see it."
"You two are.. always happy." Says Levi, "But when you're sad, the world is too."
"That's so corny Levi.. & to answer your other questions, I do hate the way you act-"
Levi chokes on his saliva, interrupting Luca's sentence. Luca starts to pat his back, continuing his sentence.
"You act like you're some tough person. It's quite cringe to watch. Just be you." He says, "And why am I acting like everything is okay you ask?"
He pauses for a moment. The sun is starting to set. The sky is a light orange/pinkish color. Luca smiles at the beautiful sight then looks down at his brother
"Because I know her heart is no longer suffering." He looks back at his brother and gives him a smile, "I'm happy because she's happy."
Flashback to Luca & Y/n's moment earlier
The two finally pulled away from each other's embrace. Y/n gets on her tippy toes and wipes Luca's tears while smiling. Luca does the same. They then go sit down on the sofa catching up from everything.
"So, what have you been doing?" She asks
"I've been busy with personal things going on, I've been getting to know who I really was." He responds, "I heard about your current situation which is why I wanted to see you."
"I've been a wreck." Y/n says, "But lately Levi's been around, he's been sticking by my side ever since the day you left. I'm grateful for him."
"You seem much happier, Y/n. I'm glad."
"You do too, I guess this break up did benefit one thing. Which is our mentality." She says
Luca lets out a chuckle, he then sets his head on Y/n's shoulder.
"I suppose you're right."

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