Midnight Snack

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After leaving the kitchen, Zach showed you the guest room where you would be staying in since it's too late to be going home. Alex made sure that you had some clothes for the night so she gave you her spare pajamas. They were the color of silver.
"Sorry if the room is too pink," Zach says, "Alex really loves pink.. as you can tell" He lets out a chuckle
"Oh don't worry, I'm fine with anything." Y/n responds, "Well thank you for showing me my room, good night."
Zach smiles and then walks out, Y/n then starts to look around the guest bedroom, it was beautiful. It was princess themed, typical Alex. The bed was comfortable as well. Looking around the room, you see a computer and a mic.
'So this is where I'd be recording with them if I ever were to join the squad.' You thought to yourself. You then pressed on the keyboard and you to your surprise, The screen turns on.
"Maybe one game of Among Us wont hurt" You said while sitting down on the chair.
"I'm the imposter" You said while doing an evil laugh
The round was then over, you won the game.
"Victory!!" You shouted.
Doing a small victory dance, it was then interrupted with your stomach growling.
"It's too late to be hungry" You said looking at the time. "I guess a midnight snack won't hurt"
Getting up from the chair, you opened the door, tiptoeing down the hall trying to find the staircase.
"Jeez, I forgot how big the mansion was" You whispered.
Still looking for the stairs, you bumped into something or should I say someone. It was too dark to see who it was though.
"Sorry" You said, walking around the figure
"Y/n? Why're you up?" The voice called out
Turning back to the sound of the voice, you finally realized who it was.
"Oh it's you Light, Sorry I just needed to find the staircase to get a midnight snack" You said "But it's too dark, I forgot to bring my phone with me. Tough luck, huh?"
Light chuckled, guess he found you struggling to find the staircase funny. He then turns on his flash on his phone. You see that he was wearing a white shirt with purple plaid pajamas. His hair was a mess as well.
"Well don't just stand there" He said "Come on, I'll show you where it is"
Walking with Light, You noticed how talkative he was without Zach or Drake teasing him. It's quite odd yet it's good to know all about him.
Finally arriving at the kitchen, Light sat down at the table while you open the pantry to find something to eat. There's so many snacks to choose from. There was pop tarts, popcorn, chips, cookies, etc.
"Wow, there's so many snacks. I don't know what to choose." You said while skimming through the pantry.
"I suggest the gummy worms." Light spat out
"Aren't those yours? Alex did mention that you don't like sharing them"
"Just for tonight, you can have some." He says
Hesitantly grabbing them, you shut the pantry door behind. Sitting down in front of Light at the table.
"So, will you be joining the squad?" He asks
"Huh? You heard about that?" She responds
"Of course, I'm not sure about the rest of the members though." He says
"Well to answer your question, I'm not sure. I mean, I'm really good at gaming and I love the squad members, but i'm not sure if i'm comfortable with my voice out there." Y/n says
"Why don't you just use a fake voice? Most of the squad members use a fake voice such as Charli. Her real voice isn't that high pitched." He says
'Maybe he's right' You thought to yourself.
Still in the kitchen, you & Light actually had a normal conversation along with having everything in common. It's like you guys were soulmates. It was quite impressive as you never bonded nor had anything in common with anyone before. Everyone you met had different tastes, especially Alex. Finishing up the gummy worms, you threw the wrapper in the trash then walking up the stairs again to your rooms.
"It was great talking to you Light. Hopefully we can do this again, having a midnight snack while getting to know each other."
He nodded. You both then said yours good nights and entered your rooms.
"I finally made my decision."

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