Beach Day Pt.3 (Final Part)

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Y/n's pov
Today is our last day at the beach, honestly I think all of us grew closer the past couple of days. Especially Luca & I. Well, not just him, Charli and I also settled everything and we got closer. Turns out we have a lot of things in common as well. But as for me and Light, we became distant ever since that incident with Charli. But tonight, things will change. I will talk to him and work things out.
End of Y/n pov
Walking downstairs to the living room, You see Charli and Jade together. They were about to head out until they spotted you.
"Hey Y/n!" Said Charli.
"Hey girls! Where're you going?"
"We're about to go to the beach and tan for a bit and maybe go for a swim, Wanna join?" Jade asked.
"Maybe later, I need some energy since I barely got some sleep last night" She said
"Was it because you were with Luca last night?~" Jade teased.
"Wait- What? What am I missing out on?" Charli asked
"Well haven't you noticed? Luca and Y/n have been spending time with each other since the day we got here." Jade says
Charli gasps, "Are you guys.. dating?" She smirks
"What?! Me and Luca?! Dating?! Pfft, no way! We're just friends" Y/n bluffs
"Friends sometimes turn into lovers~" Charli teases
"Shut up! Don't you guys have somewhere to be?" Y/n says annoyed
"Oh yeah," Charli says, "We'll see you later!"
You shut the door behind them and start to ruffle  you hair in frustration. 'Me and Luca dating? What are these girls on about?' She thought.
"I need to talk to him about this." She says
"Talk about what?" Said a soft voice
She looked over to see Light standing right behind her, "Oh hey, you were actually the person I needed to talk to." Y/n says
"Alright, what's there to talk about?" He asks
"Well, since things are soothing between me and Charli, I was thinking that you and I should rekindle our friendship to make things less awkward."
Light stood there all silent, maybe it was a bad idea to say such things.
"Sure" He said, "I do miss our friendship after all. But would it be okay with Luca?"
"What? What do you mean by that?" Y/n says while raising an eyebrow
"Well, aren't you guys dating?" He smirks
You choked on your own saliva, you could feel Light pat your back, "Seriously?! Why do people keep asking if me and Luca are dating"
"Well, he does like you and I just assumed that you felt the same way. Plus you guys spend a lot of time together."
Y/n's eyes widened, She grabs Light by the shoulders as she starts to shake him a little, "Light.. Repeat what you just said!"
"You guys spend a lot of time together?" He asks
"NO! The beginning...." Y/n yells
"Ohh, Luca likes you." He says boldly
'He.. likes me?'
After talking with Light, Y/n sits down right on the couch. 'Luca likes me..'  She thought to herself. 'But why does he like me?'
Trying to process everything, Y/n suddenly gets up and walks out to the beach to find her friends
(Outside On The Beach)
Charli's pov
I was waiting for Light to come out, Drake & Jade are making me feel like the third wheel here. A couple of minutes passed and Light finally came outside. I ran to him to give him a big hug, but we ended up falling on the sand.
"Charli! Seriously? I told you not to do that." He yells
"I still do it anyways!" She giggled
We both got up from the sand, I tried holding Light's hand but he keeps pushing me away like always. We headed towards the spot where Drake and Jade were but suddenly we were stopped by Luca.
"Guys.." He calls out
"Hey Luca! What's up?" Charli asks
"Well.. Tonight I was thinking about telling Y/n how I felt.." Luca says as he starts to blush
I choked on my words. He said what?!
"You like Y/n?! Light did you know about this?" I asked
When I looked at Light, I noticed how pale he was, "Light? Are you okay?"
"Well..." He said, "I um.. kinda accidentally told Y/n that you liked her, Luca."
"WHAT?!" Luca yelled out
'Light you cute idiot!' I thought to myself.
"I'm sorry! It just came out while we were talking inside. But she probably thinks I'm lying." Light tries to explain
I shook my head and look over to see an upset Luca sighing, "Luca don't frown!"
"Even if she knows, she probably doesn't feel the same way" He says
"You never know until you confess to her" I teased
Luca looked up to me and pulled me into a hug. His frown was gone. "You're right. I'll go inside right now and ask her to meet me by the bonfire at sunset"
He walked away to the beach house. I giggled and held Light's hand. We walked over to Drake and Jade who were feeding each other toast.
(Back in the beach house)
Lucas pov
I was looking for Y/n but she was no where to be seen. 'Maybe she's in her room' I thought. I walked upstairs to see a figure down the hallway, two actually. When I walked closer, It was none other than Jaxx & Sora. I suppose those two were arguing again.
"Hey, have you guys seen Y/n?" I ask
Jaxx turned around while Sora adjusted his shirt, "Actually we did, We saw her outside on the balcony with Levi" Said Sora
"Oh, thanks." I said while walking away
'With Levi? I don't recall them being close.'
I walked over to the balcony and there they were, "Hey guys" I said while walking over in between them
"Hey Luca"  Y/n said
"Mind if I talk to Y/n alone?" I turn to Levi
"Oh yeah, sure. I'll see you later Y/n" Levi says as he leaves the balcony.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Y/n asks
"Well, I just wanted to know if you.. wanted to meet me at the beach during sunset?" I ask
I closed my eyes, I felt my heart racing. I was scared. 'What if she says no?' I thought to myself.
"Sure" She responds
I opened my eyes, she let out a smile, "Great! I'll see you there."
End of Luca's pov
Y/n's pov
I couldn't find Alex anywhere, I assumed she was with Zach so I just went to the balcony to clear my mind. However I wasn't alone. Levi was there. I thought that this would be a great opportunity to get to know him.
(Time skip to where Luca finds Y/n and Levi at the balcony)
My heart was racing once I heard Luca's voice. I could feel my cheeks warming up, but I had to remain calm so that the two wouldn't suspect anything. Once I opened my eyes, I saw Levi walking away, it was just Luca and I. When he asked me to meet him by the bonfire, I was flustered. But of course, I said yes. His face turned even more red, but he covered it up by giving me the warmest smile. Before I knew it, I ended up inside to find Alex once again.
I walked in the living room to see Alex and Zach, they were messing around on tiktok, "Hey guys" I said
"Hey Y/n! Where've you been?" Alex asks
"Probably making out with Luca" Zach teased
You blushed, "Were you?!" Zach smirks
"No! We were just talking on the balcony." I shouted
"Sure you were" Zach laughs, "Whatever Zach. Anyways, Alex can I talk to you for a second?" You ask
"Sure" Alex gets up from the couch and then the two of us made our way to the kitchen. We both sat down at the table.
"What's wrong Y/n?" She asks
"Well.. It's about Luca.." I start
I decided to tell her everything. From A-Z. About how Light accidentally told me that Luca had feelings for me. Alex was shocked, but she also said that she had a feeling he liked me..
"What do I do Alex?!" I shout
"Calm down Y/n. If he does confess then you need to tell him how you feel."
'How I feel? I don't know how I feel. Whenever I'm with the squad, I feel so happy. When I'm Luca... It's like we could talk for hours and I could never get bored. What does that mean?'
"Y/n? You there?" Alex asks
I could feel Alex waving her hand in my face. I snapped out of it, "Right um.. I don't know what I feel.."
She sighed, "The least you can do is get ready."
I smiled, we both got up to get myself ready.
End of Y/ns pov
(At the beach)
Luca was waiting for Y/n to come out. The sun was still setting. Minutes go by, he feels a tap on his shoulder. It was Y/n. He felt relieved.
"I'm glad you came!" He says
"I didn't take too long did I?" Y/n asks
"No of course not." The two began walking on the beach. As the waves crashed with the sun setting more, Luca stops his tracks.
(??? Pov)
"Ouch! Move away you're so close"
"Well if you weren't so fat then-"
"What did you just say?!"
"Zach! Jade! Shh! I think he's about to confess"
(The squad were hiding behind some bushes.)
"Light! Hand me the binoculars."
"Wait I want to see-"
(Back with Y/n and Luca)
"What did you want to tell me?" Y/n asks
"Well.. Listen, ever since you and I started to get know each other and become really good friends, I felt some sort of connection between us. It felt like my gut was telling me something.. It was telling me that you mean much more to me. More than a friend. Y/n I..."
"Y/n I think my gut is telling me that you're the one. I like you."
Y/n's eyes widened. This was no joke, this is reality. Her cheeks turned red, As her vision turns to the sand, She felt an arm pulling her in, Luca pulled her into a hug.
(Back with the squad)
The girls were squealing along with Sora. Jaxx, Levi, the twins and Light were shocked.
"He did it boys" Levi said
"He actually did it." Drake said
(Back with Y/n and Luca)
"You don't have to give me an answer now. I just wanted to tell you how I felt." Luca says
Still in his embrace, Y/ns heart was pounding. 'This feeling' She thought to herself, 'I know how I feel now'
"Luca, I think I..."








"Feel the same way.."

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