Trick Or Treat! - Halloween Special 3/3

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It was finally Halloween! Today, The Squad were planning on going Trick Or Treating despite their age. Y/n was finishing up some final touches on her costume along with the other girls.
"What do you guys think of my makeup?" Charli asks while applying lipgloss, "It's so cute! I'm surprised you and Light didn't match just like Y/n and Luca though" Alex says
"Oh Alex, your brother is very stubborn you know," She giggles, "I'm okay with it, So Y/n.." She began, "How're you feeling? Aren't you excited?" She asks
"Of course I am, I don't know if you guys know this but I'm doing Luca's makeup. It's apart of his costume." She says while showing them a picture, "I'm also helping him apply the contact lenses."
"Oh you two are so cute!" Alex smiles, "I need some pictures later!"
As the girls continue to do their makeup and hair, Luca walked in with his costume on. Their jaws dropped. It looked amazing!
"Oh my god, Luca! You look so cool! Are you ready for your makeup and hair?" Y/n asks, "Yup!" He says while sitting down on the bed, "What are you guys supposed to be?" He asks Charli and Alex, "I'm a ballerina of course" Alex says, "I'm a witch." Charli joins in
Y/n then grabs the makeup that they had bought from the store. She pins back Luca's hair with some clips and began to do his makeup.
After an hour of doing Luca's makeup, The squad were already in their costumes. The first thing to do was make a video including FACECAM! Some of the members faces were slightly blurred except Alex, Y/n, Light, Luca, and Levi. Luca's face was covered in makeup though, it was pretty hard to see what he'd actually look like.
"After this, we'll finally go trick or treating!" Alex says, "Are you guys excited?" She asks as she starts to press record.
"Hey guys it's Alex!"
"And I'm Light!"
"I'm Charli!"
"I'm Jaxx!"
"And I'm Sora!"
"I'm Luca!"
"I'm Levi"
"And I'm Y/n!"
"And we're the squad!!"
(The squad cheers)
"So, before we begin, we'd just like to say.. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!" Alex shouts, "Most of the members who's facecam is on are wearing their costumes. Guys, show them your costumes!!"
Luca, Light, Levi, and Alex turn on their facecams. Levi was a vampire, Alex was a ballerina, Light was a rabbit and Luca was Lord Sesshomaru from the anime, Inuyasha.
The rest of the squad members had gasped at their costumes. Especially Lucas. His long white extensions and gold like contacts stood out along with the face paint Y/n had done.
"Let us know which costume you liked best!" Alex giggles, "So today, we will be playing multiple games. Since today is Halloween, we'd figure that we should spoil you guys just a bit. The first game we will be playing is Five Nights At Freddy's"
(During the first game, Light was chosen to play FNAF while Alex, Luca, & Levi get to play the other games)
*The Phone Rings*
"Hello? Hello?" Light says in a sassy like voice, "Ah hell nah, this room is disgusting. Look how dirty it is!" He joked, As phone guy gives Light tips and rules, he starts to look around in the cameras.
"DAMNNN, these robots are ugly as f*ck" He shouts. The camera starts to glitch, The squad then start to yell at Light to go check the doors and switch to the other cams.
"THE BUNNY MOOOOOOOVED!" He yells, "CHECK THE CAMERAS AND THE DOOR IDIOT!" Levi yells back. Light does as his friend says, he checks the door to see Bonnie who was standing right at the door.
"GO AWAY!" He yells and immediately shuts the door, "Remember to save power! You only have 2 more hours left" Jaxx says
"My hands are so oily!" He opens the door and switches back to the cameras. This time, Chica had moved as well. A slight groan can be heard, Light closes the cams to check on the door just to be jump scared by the yellow animatronic.
"OH MY GOSH" He yells along with the other members. Alex lets out a laugh, "How do you die on the first night? It's so easy."
"This game is rigged." Light says annoyed while leaving the call, Everyone laughs once again. This time, It was Alex's turn to play a game.
"So the game that I will be playing is Chucky The Killer Doll" She says while pressing 'New Game'
"It's not a surprise to you guys or The Squad but to the new fans watching our videos, Alex actually has a collection of Chucky dolls in her haunted library." Levi says, "Yup! We thought one time they'd end up coming alive, but they obviously didn't" Jaxx joins
Alex starts to play the game, She was a nervous wreck because Chucky was no where to be seen. Her goal was to survive and leave before Chucky gets her. As she walks to the living room, she is greeted by another doll, "Is that Lord
Farquaad?" She laughs while staring at the doll who was sitting on the couch, "My boy Farquaad is in the house tonight" Light jokes. Before walking away, Chucky jumpscares her.
"AAHH!" She lets out, "That was so unfair! I didn't even see him" She complained. "I'm doing another round."
~4 More Rounds Later~
"Alex I think you've had enough," Levi says, "You just simply suck at this. My turn!" Before Alex could say anything, Levi turns on a new game. It was more of a murder mystery game.
(Time Skips To All The Games Being Done. *Sorry I just don't want this chapter to be super long like the last one*)
After finishing up the recordings, The Squad had left the call. They all went downstairs. One by one, they were all impressed with their costumes. Jaxx was a devil and Sora was a wizard, Alex was a ballerina and Levi was a vampire, Light was a bunny and Charli was a witch, Luca was Sesshomaru and Y/n was Rin.
"We should take a photo of our costumes" Alex suggested, They all agreed and Jaxx being the tallest, He reached out his arm while the squad were behind posing. The photo was then taken and they all went out Trick Or Treating in the neighborhood and other public places.
End of Halloween Special 3/3 ~ 1083 words

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