Mischievous Sora ~ Christmas Special 1/2

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After Luca's mini visit, things remained normal. The Squad were still creating videos, Y/n and Levi had grown closer, and Lyssy remained in The Squad house. Even though she wasn't part of the squad, Alex wanted her best friend to stick around for the holidays. Christmas was near, The tree that they had set up had many presents underneath, they were all labeled so that nobody would get confused. However, Luca took his since he wouldn't be back until after New Years.
"Hey guys, I was thinking.." Alex spoke, "We should make a Christmas irl video instead of playing a game. It'll be the best gift for the fans."
"You're right. We haven't done a irl video since Halloween." Said Levi, "Should we wear anything festive?" He asks, Alex nods and smiles, "I'll think about it. Maybe on Christmas eve we'll be recording. Does anybody have any plans?"
They all shook their heads, "Perfect. I'll plan on what we'll be doing. In the meantime, lets watch some Christmas movies!"
As everyone ran to the new improved room in the squad house (the theater room), Alex, Charli, Levi, and Y/n had stayed behind as they grabbed all of the snacks everyone would eat during their movie marathon. The snacks were popcorn, pop tarts, cookies, chocolate kisses, Hershey bars, fudge, candy canes, and gingerbread. Each person held two different snacks in their hands and made their way to the theater room.
"Wow, there's so many snacks! Where do I even start?" Sora had said, "Now sweetie, why don't we start off small and go for the Hershey kisses and candy canes?" Jaxx responds while handing his boyfriend a candy cane.
Everyone sat down and began to grab some food while a movie began to play. Y/n decided to grab some gingerbread and sat back. Next to her was Levi. He had grabbed some popcorn and some Hershey bars.
"Want one?" He offers Y/n a chocolate bar. Y/n gazed over at Levi who's hand was out, She nodded and took the chocolate bar. "Thanks Levi" She whispers, "Let me know if you want something else. I'll get it for you" He responds back
Throughout the movie, Y/n had felt like as if she wanted to sleep. Not that the movie was boring — But she had been staying up all night, thinking about Luca. Her head kept tilting. She wanted to sleep — But she forced herself to stay awake.
"Y/n?" Levi whispered, "Are you tired? You can always fall asleep, y'know."
She shot up a smile and shook her head, "I'm fine.." She responds. Levi sighed and slowly sat closer to her, "I don't believe you." He says while moving her head onto his shoulder, "I'll wake you up when the movie marathon is over. Don't worry." He whispers
And with that, Y/n had fallen asleep.. On Levi's shoulder.
A couple of hours has passed. Y/n had woken up back in her room. She raised an eyebrow as she was confused on how she managed to get there in the first place.
"Did I sleep walk or something?" Y/n mumbled
Y/n looked around to see any signs of destructions if sleep walking was the case, thankfully the room was still clean.
"Hold up - What time is it? That should've been the main question" She facepalmed herself.
While pulling out her phone which was on the drawer next to her bed, Y/n had felt a sudden movement next to her. She squinted her eyes and removed the blanket.
It was Levi who was clinging onto Y/n while sleeping. Her face started to heat up from the feeling of Levi's arms wrapped tightly around her waist. She tried to remove his hands but with every movement, Levi would groan and hold on tighter.
"Can you let me BREATHE??" Y/n shouted while trying to wiggle out Levi's arms. It was no use. She was trapped like a mouse.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Y/n looked up to see that it was Alex. She low-key looked annoyed as she saw Levi holding onto her best friend.
"Need help?" Alex mouthed, Y/n nods. Alex then walks over to the side where Levi was sleeping. Y/n then hands her a pillow and the pillow was soon then hitting Levi's face.
"LEVI!!!" Alex shouted while hitting him in the face with the pillow, "WAKE UP IDIOT!!"
Just like that, Levi had woken up. He sprinted up and let go of Y/n's waist. He gave Alex a glare and before he could speak, he was struck in the face with a pillow. He fell off the bed.
"CAN YOU LET ME FUCKING TALK??" He shouted while getting up. "What do you want and why did you disturb my sleep? You know I hate that."
"Yeah, well, i'm not sorry." Alex laughs, "Anyways, the two of you are missing out breakfast."
Levi gave Alex a confused look, "Two of you?" He asks, Alex groans and points at Y/n. Levi turns around to see Y/n still sitting on her bed. His eyes widened and his mouth goes, "ohhh"
"And by the way, Did you know that you were clinging onto Y/n in your sleep? You seriously can't help yourself. Can you?" Alex laughs before walking out. Levi's face starts to heat up as he faces back to Y/n. He then scooted closer to her with embarrassment written all over his face.
"I'm so sorry!" He shouts, "I didn't think I'd do that.. I just got so comfortable and-" Before he could continue, Y/n interrupts him, "Don't apologize Levi. Let's just go eat, I'm starving"
While going down to the kitchen, Y/n had noticed that it was already decorated. The entire squad were sitting and munching on pancakes that Lyssy had made.
"This smells amazing!" Y/n said while grabbing a plate, "Thanks Y/n!" Lyssy replied. She handed Y/n her plate back, It had 3 stacks of pancakes. While pouring some syrup, Levi had finally walked in. Everyone stared at him as his hair was messed up and there were some dark rings at the bottom of his eyes.
"Looks like someone had a hard time sleeping alone~" Sora teased, "That's why you went to Y/n's room, right?" The room went grew more silent. Y/n paused and looked at Sora and then at Levi.
"What do you mean? Didn't Levi take Y/n to her room and then he came back down to watch more movies with us?" Charli asks, Sora shook his head.
"After we finished with the movie marathon.."
Sora's pov
I passed by Levi and Luca's room to see Levi still awake. I walked him and asked him why he couldn't sleep. He looked at me and said, "I just can't." I thought that he could've had insomnia or something, I offered to help him sleep, but he refused and told me to leave.
When I left the room, I stood by my door frame and saw Levi walking to Y/n's room. I thought she had texted and asked him to go to her room, But then I remembered.. she was still asleep.
I slowly walked towards Y/n's room and saw Levi gently getting into Y/n's bed. Maybe he had felt lonely since Luca left? But who knows.
End of Sora's pov
"So there we have it" Sora finishes. Everyone started to whisper and then looked back at Levi. Their eyes grew fear as Levi glared at Sora, who was still eating.
"Uhm.. I think we should all prepare for the video, yeah?" Alex says, everyone else agreed,
Including Y/n.
With that, everyone left. But not Y/n or Levi. The two stayed behind and ate their breakfast as if nothing had happened, and after that, they joined the others.

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