Request To Join

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3 hours go by and you're still at Alex's mansion. You've been getting along with everyone except for one person and that's Light. He's been quiet the whole time, Zach & Drake kept teasing him about his introduction while on the other hand, Charli keeps defending him, even if she gets teased by everyone & keeps getting rejected by Light. Poor Charli.
Later that night, Alex & Zach sat you down at the kitchen while everyone else was in their room. They said it was a private discussion which explains why everyone left.
"Y/n, there's something I haven't told you yet" She said, "I was supposed to tell you during the car ride but we got off track, I completely forgot until now."
"Hm? What is it Alex?" Y/n asks
"Well, you remember when we were talking about our gaming channel, right?" Zach joins in, "We're actually looking for a new Squad member to join us. Since we've seen how you and the rest of the members were getting along really well, we'd thought you'd be a great fit."
"No pressure though," Alex says "If you're uncomfortable we completely understand."
"But if you do hopefully make up your mind and decide to join us, you need to be aware of the games we play." Zach says, "We play ROBLOX, AMONG US, and many other games."
'Me? Join the squad?' You thought to yourself. This is not what you were expecting at all. Seeing Alex again was great, but everything was going a little fast, you needed time to think. Which is what you told them of course. Playing Among us or Roblox would be too easy since you're addicted to it, but recording and having your voice out there on Youtube? That's the part where you're feeling a little nervous about.

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