All Of Us Are Dead - Halloween Special 2/3

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"Who's next with the story time?"
"I'll go!"
"No, you're horrible at them. How about Levi? You've been awfully quiet."
"Oh yeah? Well..."
(Alarm goes off)
Y/n woke up to see that the time was 7:30 am. Her eyes widened as she jumped up from the bed. She had ran to her closet to grab her uniform. 'No, No, No, No!' She repeats while pulling up her skirt. 'Crap, I knew I shouldn't have stayed up on the phone with Luca!' As she finished getting ready, she runs down the stairs to be greeted by her father who'd finished eating breakfast.
"Y/n! Why are you still here?" He asks, "Were you on the phone with Luca again?"
Y/n nods, "I was! I wasn't aware of the time, But right now I have to go!" She exclaimed while grabbing a snack, "I'll see you later dad!"
"We're going to have a discussion about Luca later!" Her father yells, "Have a nice day!"
Y/n runs out the door, slamming it shut from behind. On her way to school, She noticed some students who were late just like her. She starts to run down the street to the crosswalk. Lots of students were already there as the group kept increasing. The traffic light had changed from Green, then to Yellow, finally to a Red light, the students in the front were about to walk until a car driving by starts to honk at them.
"Oh f*ck!" One of the students yelled, "Why is somebody driving through a red light?! Isn't that illegal?" More students yelled, "Who cares lets just go!"
The group of students including Y/n ran across the street as the school was right there. Teachers were standing by the gate looking at their watch and counting down. Before Y/n could go inside, one of the teachers had stopped her and a hunch of other students.
"And stop!" Said the teacher, "You guys are late. Write your names down." He says as he hands Y/n a clipboard. She then rolled her eyes and wrote down her name, passing the clipboard around.
While walking through the halls, most of the students were already in their classroom while others were still in the hall. Y/n walks into her homeroom where the rest of her friends were.
"Y/n! Why'd you come so late?" A squeaky voice asks, "Were you on the phone with Luca?" The voice asks, It was Charli.
She nods, "I wasn't aware of the time. Never again will I stay up so late. Where is he by the way?" She asks
"Luca went to get breakfast, he'll be back soon." She says, "Anyways, have you seen Light's new instagram post? He's so cute!"
"Oh he posted a new photo? I haven't checked." Y/n says, "I'll check now." She pulls out her phone and opens the Instagram app.

"Oh wow" Y/n says, "His hair has grown longer

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"Oh wow" Y/n says, "His hair has grown longer. He should cut it sometime."
"No!" Charli yelled out, "His long hair is beautiful just the way it is!" She whined
"I think his long hair suits him" A voice says. Y/n and Charli looked over to see Luca with breakfast in his hands, Y/n smiled and hugged him. Luca then pulls up a seat and places the breakfast on Y/n's desk.
"I got your favorite" Luca smiles as he hands you the food, "I'm sorry for keeping you up so late. I heard you got a tardy." He says while taking a bite out of his food
"It's whatever. It's not like I've gotten a harsh punishment. But I will be on cleaning duty today" She says while taking a bite out of her food, "Will you stay later?"
"Of course" Luca says, "I'd never leave my girlfriend alone. Charli, will you be staying too?" He asks, The orange haired girl nods her head as she takes a sip from her coffee.
As the three friends eat their breakfast, Light walks in along with his sister and their other friends. Charli smiles and walks up to her boyfriend, giving him a big hug.
"Light! You looked so handsome on your recent post but Y/n made a stupid suggestion which was you should cut your hair" She says
Light chuckles while shaking his head, he then gives his girlfriend a hug and sits down at his seat which was obviously right next to Charli's. As the two began to speak, Alex and Levi join Y/n and Luca. The four of them joked around until it was finally time for class to start.
"Alright class, hand your phones in and take out your textbooks, we'll begin on chapter 2." Their homeroom teacher says, each student got up and handed their phones in
"By the way, has anyone seen S/n? (Student / name)" The teacher asks as she takes out her phone, the class was silent. Nobody knew where S/n was.
Suddenly, a notification goes off. Everyone looked over to see Light, his eyes widened as he cursed underneath his breath.
"Nice try, Light. You may be instagram famous but you still have to put your studies first." She says as Light gets up putting his phone in the carrier. "Hm? Y/n isn't this your old phone?"
"God damn it.." She whispers, the class lets out a chuckle as Y/n also gets up from her seat and putting her new phone into the carrier.
"Now that we've settled down, nobody has seen S/n? Was she here yesterday during cleaning time?" The teacher asks. A boy in the front row raises his hand, "She was with me in the science lab.. but she was asleep. That was the last time I saw her."
"The science lab, huh? Well, I'll have to speak to the science teacher after class. In the meantime lets open our books."
After Class
"Make sure to do your homework!" The teacher yells out as she walks out. Everyone in the class then start to group up like earlier. Luca, Charli, Light, Levi, and Alex then sit around Y/n. They were all eating their snacks and discussing their homework and about S/n's absence.
"Isn't that weird?" Alex asks, "S/n is missing." She leans in and whispers
"What if she's just sick?" Y/n says, "I don't think it's a big deal." She shrugged
"Her parents would've called the school." Levi jumps in, "What if the science teacher.. locked her up?" He says in a deep voice
Alex then slaps Levi on the back of his head, "Are you stupid? Why would you think such things?" She yells, "Something isn't just right. I feel it."
The 6 of them continued to eat and before they knew it, break was over and class was about to start again.
The Science Lab
Muffled groans could be heard in the supply room. It was S/n whom was zip tied to the heater. Their mouth was covered with tape. The door then opens to reveal the science teacher. He'd sat down and pressed record on his laptop.
"This student was bitten by the hamster. I injected them with benzodiazepine, it's slowing down the infection but only by a few hours..."
The science teacher stops recording, he turns his chair to S/n who was still muffling and gasping, 'don't kill me..' they let out. The science teacher snarls and leans in
"Don't kill you?" He says, "Don't bother having any hope."
He gets up from his chair and walks out of the supply closet. Class was starting, he made his way to the other science room that was upstairs.
Back to Y/n's class
Class had just began however in Y/ns mind, it felt like hours. The lecture had her head moving forward, as if she wanted to sleep. Before she does, the teacher calls on her
"Y/n, can you explain what Luca said?" The teacher asks, "Yeah of course" Y/n says while getting up, "Um..." She says while letting out a nervous chuckle
"This is why you need to pay attention, alright sit down. Now, I'll be discussing your homework for toda-" The door bursts open, interrupting the teacher.
Everyone looked to see who opened the door, it was S/n. They were covered in blood, the students gasped as they fall to the floor. Before hitting the ground, the teacher catches them.
"Hey! S/n! What happened to you?! Why're you covered in blood??" The teacher asks while panicking
"The science teacher.." S/n pants, "The science teacher locked me in the supply closet." The students gasp, Y/n and Luca looked at each other and then at their friends. "He injected a strange shot in my arm." S/n continued
"The science teacher did what?! Quick, someone help me take S/n to the nurses office." The teacher says while picking up S/n
"I'll carry them!" Luca says while kneeling down, "We'll help too!" Charli yells as her and Y/n place S/n on Luca's back
"Thank you, Class president, have everyone stay in their seats. Lets go!" The teacher opens the door. They all run to the nurses office, the students began to gossip.
Once they had made it to the nurses office, The nurse immediately jumped into action. She took S/n's temperature which was below 30 degrees. Luca, Charli, and Y/n pinned S/n down to the bed with a blanket over them.
"Keep them steady! I'm going to give them a shot, Please call an ambulance while you're here" the nurse says to the teacher. The three tried to pin S/n down, but they wouldn't stop moving. As the nurse gets close to S/n with the needle, she immediately bit her arm. The nurse let out a groan but continued to inject the needle which had calmed down S/n.
"What the hell is wrong with them?!" Charli shouts, S/n then goes from the nurse to Y/n, she had scratched her arm.
"Are you okay?!" Luca asks with a worried look, Y/n nods and continues to pin S/n down until the paramedics came.
S/n was strapped down on the stretcher, two paramedics were loading them inside while another paramedic was cleaning Y/n's wound.
"It seems like they went into shock due to hypothermia, I managed to give them a sedative." Said the nurse
"Have you gotten into contact with S/n's parents?" The paramedic asked, "Yes, they'll be on their way to the hospital." The teacher says
"Alright, thank you." The paramedic says before getting inside as well as the one tendering Y/n's wound.
"Please you don't tell anyone" The teacher says to the 3 of the students, "Especially you" The teacher looks at the nurse.
They all nod and go back inside the school. As they walk into their classroom, students start to crowd around them, flooding them with questions.
"How is S/n?" Alex asks, "We saw the ambulance from the windows"
"It was so weird, we had to pin S/n down onto the bed, their temperature was also way below. What's even worse is they tried to bite us, they bit the nurse and scratched Y/n." Charli says while looking around
"Are you okay?" Levi asks Y/n, She nods and speaks up, "It's just a scratch."
At the science lab
The science teacher noticed the supply closet door open, he runs to the room to see it empty. As he throws his classes work on the ground, two teachers walk in
"S/n is at the hospital" One teacher yelled, "What were you thinking?? Have you gone insane?"
"We need to put S/n in quarantine! What hospital did they go to?!" The science teacher panics, "You don't understand-"
He was then interrupted by the other teacher, "You're coming with us. The principal wants to speak to you." He says as he drags the science teacher out.
Back at the nurses office
The nurse had walked back into her office to clean up before any other students would come in. She starts to pick up the needle until she felt a sudden pain on her arm. She winced in pain and saw the bite mark from S/n. It started to spread.
The school bell for Lunch rings
Students began to walk out of their classrooms and headed towards the cafeteria, passing by the infirmary, one boy with pink hair had noticed a high heel in the middle of the hallway, it was Zach.
"What the hell?" Zach says as he kicks the heel, he looks at the direction where the heel goes, it slides to the nurses office.
"Hey check it out" He smirks as he pulls out his phone, "Is she drunk?" He says as he records the nurse who was rocking back and fourth
"She's so going to get fired" The other boy with blue hair laughs, It was Drake. As he watches his brother recording, The nurse had then turned around. Her face was covered in blood. Their eyes widened as she ran towards them.
"What the f*ck?!" They yell while moving away, The nurse had missed them and banged her head in the wall
"Sh*t that looked like it hurt" Drake cringes, the nurse then starts to crawl towards him. Zach starts to laugh and films them, "You're f*cked bro" He laughs
The nurse then throws herself onto Drake, he then lets out a scream while Zach continues to laugh, "GET HER OFF!" He yelled. Zach looks away from his phone and noticed that the nurse was actually biting down onto his neck
"What the f*ck are you doing?!" He yells at her then pushing her off of his brother. The nurses body starts to twitch, her face was covered in more blood, she began to chase after Zach while Drake was on the floor covered in blood
Zach began to run away along with the other students. Screams could be heard as they passed by each classroom. Drake starts to get up, he lets snarl and grunt like noises and runs to a classroom two doors down from the infirmary. Students began to scream as he attacks one of the female students biting down onto her neck.
"Holy sh*t! Run!" One student yelled while another student tried getting Drake off of the female student. He was then Drake's next target, he gets slammed against the window as Drake bites down on his shoulder. Bone crack could be heard
Chaos broke out
In the cafeteria
Alex, Charli, Luca, and Y/n were in line waiting to throw away their food, jokes were thrown around here and there until a sound of multiple hands started to pound on the closed doors.
"What's going on?" Y/n asks Charli and Alex, "I don't know.. should we be scared?" Alex whispers
The door was then broken down. Students began to fall down, piling on one another while students in back were running or getting attacked.
"What the h*ll?" Luca says, "What is going on?" They all watch as everyone around was running away.
A group of students covered in blood began to run in and attack others, Luca grabbed Y/n's arm, he shouted the others to run as he starts to run. The entrance was surrounded by the monsters who were attacking students, the exit was locked, their only way to get out was through the windows. One by one, they all escaped.
"Hurry!" He yells, The four of them then ran into the school, avoiding the monsters who were running after them. They had ran back to their homeroom where other students were.
"Charli!" Light yells as he runs over to his girlfriend, are you alright? You didn't get hurt did you?" He asks as he looks around her body, "I'm fine. What about you?" She asks
"I'm alright but I can't find our phones! They must be in the teachers office" He says
Luca looks outside and then out the hallway, it was filled with blood thirsty creatures. He then shuts the door
"Guys, it's Train To Busan" He says, "What? What's that?" Charli asks, Luca shakes his head and starts to barricade the door, "Never mind that, just help me with the doors so that way nobody will enter" He says
"Wait" Alex pauses, "You mean that Zombie film? But zombies don't exist.." She says, "Then what are those creatures? It's zombies." Luca snaps, "Lets just focus on barricading the door"
After they had barricaded the door, they sit in the corner thinking about what to do next. They had no phones, food, or water. Their main objective was to survive
"And then you guys all died."
"Nope, who's next?"
"Ughhh, Levi you SUCK."
"Now I really hope a Zombie magically appears and eats Levi first."
End of Halloween Special 2/3 ~ 2851 words

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