Couples Costumes - Halloween Special 1/3

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Months and days went by fast, Luca and Y/n hadn't spoke about what happened in June. That incident where their time together is limited. It is now October, the best month of all. The Squad had recently changed their banner of their channel to match a Halloween theme. Fans had noticed the change, they loved it but they'd noticed that three members were missing. A statement hadn't been released. Half of the fandom brushed it off and assumed they were busy with their personal lives, others believed they were kicked out. Nevertheless, they still stuck to their favorite youtubers side and continued to watch their new content.
Y/n's pov
"And we're done"
I put down my headphones and left the discord call. We'd finish our video of the day, I then submitted my video recording to Alex so that she could send it to Editor Ash.
As I leaned back in my chair listening to LOFI music, Luca walks in with a decorative box in his hands,
"Hm? What's this?" I ask as he hands me the gift, My eyes sparkled as I opened the box, It was cupcakes but decorated with Halloween hard candy and rings.
"It's our first Halloween together" Luca said, "I was thinking of you while baking these." I picked up a cupcake with a hard candy shaped like a ghost, I took a bite out of the cupcake and let out a "mm" sound, it was delicious.
"It's so good! Who taught you how to bake?" I asked taking another bite of the cupcake
"Myself actually, baking's been a hobby ever since I've made my first batch of cookies." He says
"Forget being a doctor, you should become a pastry chef!" I said, Luca lets out a laugh and kisses me on the cheek, "As much as I'd love to become one, I think becoming a doctor suits me the best."
"You can always have a side job~" I giggled, "By the way, Halloween is coming up soon. Should we figure out what we should be?" I ask
Luca's face turns slightly red, He then rubs the back of his neck. "You mean.. couples costume?" He asks
I nod, "Unless you're not comfortable?" I said quietly. I felt pressure on my head, I looked up and saw Luca who was smiling, "It's not that." He says, "You're just the first girlfriend I've ever done couples costumes with."
I didn't know how to respond to that, was it because my brain was foggy or was it because i'm enjoying these cupcakes? I cleared my throat to at least make things not so awkward, I then dipped my hand into the frosting and smeared it on Luca's nose. He flinched a little and gave me a confused look
"What was that for?" He asks while removing the frosting with his finger, "No reason." I responded, "Hey, why don't we go out to the Halloween store?" I ask
"If that's what you want, let's go then." He says, "I just need some time to clean up because someone decided to be funny and smear frosting on me." He sarcastically says
I laugh and grabbed a towel, "I wonder who that was" I said as I clean up him up, "You do look rather sweet though." I teased
Luca's face turns red again, "Don't say that, I'll see you down in 10 minutes, alright?" I nod and watched him walk out, I then closed the door and got ready.
~~ After 10 minutes ~~
I looked at myself in the mirror before walking out. I opened my door and then headed downstairs to see Luca waiting for me. He was holding my jacket as well as his, 'He's so cute' I thought to myself.
"You look amazing" Luca says as he hands my jacket, "You ready to go?"
"Of course, I'm so excited" I said, "Hopefully there's something we'd like."
Luca then opens the door and the two of us walk out from the house. We walked over to his car and our journey to the Halloween store began.
At the Halloween Store
We finally arrived at the store, as we walked inside I was amazed at how the store looked from the inside. There wasn't much customers inside which was fine because that means we'd find something before anyone else.
"Hey look!" Luca points at the section with the masks, "Lets check those out" He says, I felt his hands intertwine with mine, we then walked over to the mask section.
I smiled at the way his face lit up, He began trying on different masks - Ghostface, The Purge, and other masks. I've never seen him so happy, It was amusing.
"You're so cute" I blurted out, I noticed a mask from the corner of my eyes and put it on him, "Introducing....PRESIDENT LUCA!" I yelled
"President huh?" He says. I felt his arm wrapping around my waist, He pulled me closer and leaned into my ear. He started to whisper, "Then that makes you my first lady, right?"
Shivers went down my spine, I felt my face heating up and gently pushed him away. "Don't joke around like that!" I winced, "Hey lets check out the accessories" I walked over
As we walked over to see the accessories, nothing really caught my eye other than fake contact lenses and temporary colored hair spray.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" He asks, "You seem a little quiet" He starts to wave his hand in front of my face and then it hit me — I quickly grabbed yellow contact lenses and some makeup.
"I know what we're gonna be."
"Hm? What is it?" He asks as I continued to grab more things, "You'll see once we get home" I say
I made my way to the costumes section and picked out Luca and I's costume while Luca went to pick out more accessories for us and before we knew it, time had passed. We paid for our stuff and made our way back home.
End of Y/n's pov
~~In Y/n's Room~~
Y/n and Luca plopped down on her bed with the bags down on the floor. Luca was cuddling up against the crook of her neck while she was watching makeup tutorials for their costumes. 10 minutes into the video, she'd heard light snores from Luca,
"What a cutie" She said, "He must be tired, I should let him sleep." As she gets up, she felt a grip on her wrist. She looked down to see Luca who was half awake.
"Stay." He says as he pulls her down, she was practically right on top of him as their noses were touching. She was a complete blushing mess.
Before she could answer, the door swung open. It was Alex and Charli who were yelling for their friend but paused at the sight of Y/n on top of Luca.
"Oh my..." Alex lets out as she covers her eyes, "WE'RE SO SORRY! WE DIDN'T KNOW YOU TWO WERE BUSY!" Charli shouts while doing the same.
"WAIT ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LI-" Y/n spoke but she was then interrupted by Luca who's voice was starting to get deep and raspy. "Get out unless you want to watch."
Three of the girls eyes widened. Alex and Charli immediately ran out of Y/n's room while Y/n was struggling to get off of Luca.
"Why would you say that?!" She yelled, "Now they're gonna bring this up until the day I die." She whines. The grip on her arm was then released, she finally got off and ran to the center of her room.
Luca got up from the bed as well acting like nothing had happened, he then grabbed the bags that were on the floor and placed them on the bed.
"You never told me what we were gonna be, Y/n." He says as he pours all the accessories out on her bed, "Are you suggesting we should be anime characters judging by the accessories and costumes?" He asks
She nods, "Yup. Your white hair reminded me of Sesshomaru, the dog demon from Inuyasha.. So why not have you be him and I can be the companion, Rin." She says
Luca lets out a smile and opens up the makeup, "Well, why not test the makeup on me?"

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