Birthday surprise

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Harry had been slowly recovering from what the others were calling the incident. He now had enough energy to walk around and not have to sleep for a couple hours. This happened constantly the first two days after what couldn't even be called strenuous activity. He had walked from his room to the living room a couple of doors down and ended up taking a nap on the couch. Now that he was healing however he was beginning to notice that the other were up to something. Harry didn't know what that something was, but  past experience spoke for themselves. By that Harry meant it hadn't been anything good. So here Harry was waiting for what ever it was to happen. I guess it was lucky for him that it was so close to his birthday not that Harry remembered. He was terrible at remembering things like that because it was never that important.

Mean while with the twins and Sirius

"Ok everyone, we have to make this perfect. We didn't do anything last year because of what happened so this has to be our best work." Said a voice in the shadows. Two more voices responded with, "yes sir." As they all began to plan out their roles in this grand scheme. The first thing that needed to be done was shopping. They took that one in shifts so Harry was never left alone. Then they had to gather all Harry's friends for the party. They had also decided to invite other people so Harry could try to make more friends or just get to know more people. All these things took place during the week after the incident. Fred took charge of writing the letters to Harry's friends, while Sirius wrote letter's to other people to invite over. While they did that George took the over the shopping for the most part.

The week went by quickly enough and Harry was on his way to a full recovery and not fainting everytime he did an activity. For example going from his room to the living room. Right now Harry was enjoying the morning sun outside in the garden. Trying to get his energy back after the short walk there. It was also worth mentioning that it was the day before his birthday.

The day past quickly enough until it was time for the party Harry had been preoccupied all day with going through physical therapy with his personal healer Dr. Snow. She had revealed that she was actually his personal healer right before they left last time. She also thought she should properly introduce herself since she hadn't done so when he had first woken up. Harry thought about that moment and what else he had learned that day.

She did a slight bow and then said, "my name is Emma Snow, and I am your personal healer/ doctor as named by your parents on the day you were born." Harry nodded then felt the need to ask, "is being chosen for personal healer something everyone does?" Healer Snow looked at him before answering him and said, " yes it is tradition for parents to find a healer for their children to see throughout their lifetime. It also used to be done for muggle born children as well but Dumbledore stopped doing it once he became headmaster at Hogwarts. Also just between you and me Harry somewhere in Hogwarts is the founder's copy of the official rule book of Hogwarts. You see they don't teach about it anymore but Hogwarts is on privately owned land that isn't apart of the Ministry. Since it was created before the Ministry they have no say in how it was run." Harry thought about this before something clicked in his head. Then he said, "wait if it is no longer taught how do you know this information?" Healer Snow looked at him before she said, "that's for me to know and for you to either find out or stay in the dark about." Healer Snow glanced around before her eyes flashed gold and she winked at him. She then turned around and walked away not before she said, "I'm sure I will be seeing you soon, too soon for my comfort but soon enough none the less."

Harry was interrupted by a knock on the door to the physical therapy office. Healer Snow was letting him rest a little before going home. Healer Snow got up from her desk to open the door to reveal Sirius ready to pick him up.

Walking into the house Harry was surprised to find the house decorated and people waiting for him so they could celebrate his birthday. There were some familiar faces as well as some that he either had seen in passing or hadn't had a chance to meet but had heard about.

Lee, Hannah, and Susan were at the buffet getting food and drinks. Blaise, Daphne, and Hermione were placing gifts on a table and gave him a wave when he looked there way.

Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco Malfoy had made an appearance so much had happened that Harry hadn't had a chance to interact with Draco at all. It was also a good time to talk to Lucius about things he had questions about as well. Harry looked around and seen that Sirius and Narcissa were talking to each other and catching up. This was good because Sirius hadn't been able to talk to anyone since his release, he had been to busy helping Harry recover. Sirius walks over to Harry with another man and said, "Harry I'd like you to meet Remus Lupin he was a friend of your fathers as well as mine." "Nice to meet you Harry I'm sorry I wasn't there for you but my condition would have made it hard for me to take care of you. Then there's the fact that the ministry has laws against my kind in place." Harry didn't question it for now there was no need to bring up this kind of thing right now it was time to celebrate. That's what they did long into the night the celebrated and caused pranks on each other I'm sure you can guess who started it too.

Everyone had just gone home after the party and Harry had fallen asleep near the end because he was still recovering. Sirius picked him up after he made sure everyone had left and was properly thanked and everything. After arriving at Harry's room he tucked him in and said, "good night my pup sleep well tomorrow's going to be a busy day, and you are going to need the rest." Sirius turned to leave when he heard a very quiet, "good night Padfoot, I love you."

The next day did indeed go by very quickly. Between opening presents and writing letters to thanks everyone who came. By the time Harry was done he had a cramp in his hand and was ready to go to sleep again. It wasn't even that what he had done was very strenuous. He was still recovering so he tired easily still.

Sorry it has been awhile since I updated. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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