Defense Against the Dark Art's

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Harry over the summer had taken the time to go through all of his text books and had come to one conclusion that Defense Against the Dark Art's was going to be a pointless class that he would still be forced to suffer through. Before that though he would have Potions and as much as he had looked forward to the class the year before it had become one of his least. So on the first day of classes Harry headed to Potions already in a bad mood having reread his DDA book. However, he was apparently not the only one who was in a bad mood because Snape took even more points then usual. After the oh so fun Potions class Harry had a free period which he used to explore the library and then it was lunch time. After that Harry had DDA upon arriving to class he sat all the way in the back of the class room and waited for his other classmates and their professor who's name was Gilderoy Lockhart.

After the class was over Harry was contemplating murder of course he had several people who wanted to either help him or stop him and everyone else who wanted to help him. So we find ourselves with the twins as they put a prank bounty on Gilderoy's head. Harry was in the process of finding out is Gilderoy actually did any of what he was famous for. He had come to the conclusion that he didn't do any of the things he wrote about in his book. Amelia Bones was not at all surprised when she received a letter from Harry Potter she however was surprised with the contents of the letter. After going through the letter she decided it would be a great idea to show up in one of his classes to ask him a few questions.
About a month had passed since school started and one could say that Gilderoy Lockhart was one of the only people not having a great time. So the next class Harry actually attended of DDA was the class that Head of Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones, was going to go to. When Harry got to class he had an evil smile on his face which many looked at and wanted to run for their lives. When class finally started Harry rose from his seat and began asking questions that were clearly making Lockhart uncomfortable and then as if a bomb exploded Lockhart started confessing, "yes, yes I took credit for things I didn't do who cares it's not like the people who actually accomplished what I took credit for will remember it because I obliviated them." Seconds after he said this Amelia Bones said, "your under arrest Lockhart and I hope you like Azkaban because that is exactly where you will be going."

Harry had no problem with admitting that everyone including the teachers celebrated for a month after Lockhart was arrested. Harry thought it would go down as the best and longest party in the history of Hogwarts and their was no class so that was another thing. It was short lived though because then they had to go back to class and the routine continued.

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