Chapter 2

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Lorenzo's POV(DAD)

I watched as my daughter drift off to sleep on my shoulder. I moved to my lap so she's more comfortable. I missed her so much. When Sasha took her, all of us were crushed. She is the first girl born in the Ferrari family in generations so obviously we would have the need to protect her from everything.

All of my kids changed after she left. My oldest buried himself in work and became cold. My second oldest become the mother hen of the family acting as a mother figure to all of them. My third became quiet and heartless. My fifth oldest became cold and ruthless. My fourth and sixth kid used humor to cover up the misery they felt. My youngest son became a goofy ball like the other two. He would always try to make jokes to lighten the mood but I know that he's hurting. I hear him crying every night saying how he missed his twin and wished that she was back. Since she's coming back I feel like things might change.

After Alessandra was taken by Sasha, my brother's wife disappear. She took basically all of his money leaving him with less than 100,000 dollars. I told him to come live with us cause the kids would like it too and it could help him. Right now only my oldest knows that Alessandra is coming back home.


Me and Leo were in the office discussing something about our shipments. Our shipments were stolen by the Russians and we were trying to come up with a plan to get revenge. As we were talking my phone rang it it was someone calling from New York. Who would call me from New York? I answered the phone nonetheless.

"Hello?" I said in a cold voice.

"Hello is this Lorenzo Ferrari speaking?" the person on the phone asked.

"Yes who is this?"

"This is Sarah from the New York Police Department, I called to inform you about your daughter's mother and stepfather." This caught my attention.

"What about them?" I asked sitting up straight.

"They died last night in a car accident and I was wondering if you would like to take your daughter, Alessandra Ferrari, in." I was shocked. I looked up at Leonardo who had the same expression as me.

"Yes definitely what do have to do?" I asked.

"Since you are still her guardian and her biological father all you have to do is come to New York to pick her up." she responded.

"Okay I'll take a flight right now"

"Okay thank you see you goodbye"

"Bye" I said ending the phone call.

I put my phone away and look at Leo with a bright smile plastered on my face.

"We found her" he said in disbelief.

"We found her!" I said hugging him. He usually doesn't hug back but this time he hugged me tightly and buried his face in my shoulder. I felt a wet patch forming on my shoulder. I haven't seen him cry since Alessandra left.

"We finally found her, after 10 years" he exclaimed. I rubbed my hand up and down his back until he calmed down. We pulled apart and I wiped his tears away and cupped his cheeks.

"Don't tell anyone about this this stays between me and you. We'll make it a surprise." I told him my hands cupping his cheeks still. He nods wiping his tears and goes back to his emotionless self.

I quickly drive to my jet and take off in under 20 minutes. Would she remember me? Is she still her bubbly self like she was before? How would she react? These types of questions were swarming my head as I looked out the window.


I wonder how my other kids would react. Oh well we'll see when we get there.

Alessandra's POV

I felt myself being shook awake and my eyes flutter open. I see my dad looking down at me as I was laying in his lap.

"Are we here yet?" I asked getting up to a sitting position.

"Yeah we are." He responded back getting up and holding his hand up for me to take. I took and he pulled me up. Too fast for my back and ribs liking. I grimace with a painful expression.

"What happened?" He asked me concerned.

"Um...just a head rush" I lied.

"Okay..." He said uncertainly. I am such a bad liar.

We walked down the stairs of the jet and looked up as I took the last step.

"Welcome to Italy sweetheart!" my dad whispered in my ear passing me. I looked at it in disbelief. Holy shit.

"THIS PLACE IS GORGEOUS!" I yelled as I caught up to my dad. I heard his chuckle at me as he walk to the car. We got in the car and the driver drove to wherever the house is. We passed so many beautiful sights on the way. I was basically mesmerized. After 15 minutes or so, we pulled up to this huge ass mansion. God damn, he is rich as fuck.

"This is your house" I said in disbelief.

"Yes and now it's yours too." he verified. The driver dropped us off at the front as he was instructed by my dad. We got out and I swung my backpack over my shoulder and followed my dad to the front door. He gestured for me to hide behind him, I looked at him confused but I did it nonetheless. He heard my dad tell someone on the phone to come open the door and after a bit, looking between my dad's arms, I saw a man that looked like he was in his late 20s, I identified him as Leo.

"Where is she?" he asked coldly but with a tingle of excitement in my voice.

"She's behind me but first let us come inside first then you can see her." He told the man. The man moved out of the way and I followed behind my dad inside the house. Before I know it my dad moves out of the way and the man looks at me as I am the most precious thing in the world. He radiate cold energy but I can tell that he's just a teddy bear on the inside.

"C-Can I hug you?" He asks hesitantly. I just hugged him tightly in response.

"I missed you Leo" I mumbled into his chest.

"Y-You remember me?" He asks me.

"I remember all of you" I responded back.

"Appreciate the hug, you will rarely get these." my dad joked. I laugh softly as Leo pulls away and glares at dad.

"So good introduction but we should move this to the living room."

"Yeah I told everyone to wait there." Leo said. Damn I missed them.

"Okay lets go then" Dad said walking down a hallway with me following behind. I don't know if I should be nervous or if I should be excited. Would they like me? Would they even remember me? I wonder if they changed? Obviously they changed Alessandra, you idiot. I heard a lot of people speaking in the background. How many people live in the house like a thousand. Actually I wouldn't be surprised.

"Everyone shut up," well that's one way to say it dad, "I have a surprise for you. So you know how I went to New York, I went to get a special someone from there, actually I got a call yesterday and I answered-"

He was taking too long, "Yeah you're taking too long, what's up motherfuckers." I said jumping out from behind my dad. The last sentence earned me two smacks on the head one by dad and another by Leo. I turned around and looked at them as they were glaring at me. I look at them sheepishly.

"Sorry you took too long and I had to." I said meekly.

"Alessandra?" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around.

"The one and only" I said as I winked at the crowd.

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