Chapter 28

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I quickly run to my closet and take out my box that has all my weapons in it.

I strap my daggers onto me and take my gun in my hand and attach my assassin mask to my face. I can't let them see me right now can I? I quickly take my shirt off leaving me in my sports bra and wearing some sweats.

I carefully walk outta my room with my gun in my hand.

I sneak downstairs to see my family fighting off bulky people. Most of them had more people than they could fight.

I stealthily threw a dagger at one of the people fighting Dad and another at a person fighting Mateo. I shot a man who was about to stab Dante and threw another dagger towards a dude who was about to kick Santi.

I was about to throw another knife until a person came up behind me and got me in a headlock. I quickly grabbed the person's arm, flipping over my shoulder making them fall to the ground, and shot a bullet at them.

He effectively dodged the bullet and kicked the gun out of my hand so I took one of my daggers out and he took his out. He was fast but not faster than me. I roundhouse kicked the knife out of his hand and grabbed his head and pounded it into my knee making him pass out.

I saw Daniel about to get stabbed so I quickly took my knife from a previous body and threw it right between his eyes.

It seemed like most of them were either dead or unconscious. My family looked at me with surprised eyes.

"Diavola?" Uncle G whispered.

"In the flesh," I said smirking as I leaned against the wall making them take out their guns and point them at me.

"Woah ladies put the guns down i'm not gonna hurt you," I said putting my hands up in mockery.

"How do we know that for sure?" Adriano said in a cold voice.

I've gone too long without telling them, "Cause I'm pretty sure you won't kill your own family," I said smugly.

"What?" Dylan said tightening his hold on his gun, "That makes no sense, unless."

"Alessandra," Ales whispered.

I took off my mask, "Wassup brother."

Their reactions were priceless.

The oldies dropped their gun and the youngers had their mouth wide open.

"What the fuck," Ales said before passing out into Daniel's arms.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yea it happens to him," Daniel said as he dragged Ales' body to the couch.

"What?" Mateo spoke up, "How!?"

"I trained with Sa-" I said before stopping myself.

"Trained with who?" Leo said suspiciously.

"Trained by myself," I lied.

"Liar," Raf called me out.

"I'm not lying," I said accidentally making eye contact with Santi.

His eyes were telling me that it was alright to tell them. I sighed and opened my mouth to tell them before Mateo interjected.

His eyes trailed to my eyesight, "You trained with Santi?" he asked.

"Uh maybe," I said awkwardly.

"Come on man you didn't bother to tell him," he said sending a glare towards Santi.

"I didn't know she was your sister until 2 weeks ago, sorry," Santi responded.

"Enough about me who were those people," I said crossing my arms.

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