Chapter 6

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Let the adventure begin.

As we walked together, everyone had a cold expression on their face even me. The people started to whisper things to each other and others looked like they saw a ghost. Damn I love the power we have.

We first went to Hollister, then we went to Abercrombie & Fitch, then Gucci, then Louis Vuitton, then a ton of different places that I forgot. They got me fucking pants for $100 and when I tried to put it back it cause it was so expensive they would put it back in the basket.

"Can we please go get food i'm so hungry?" I whined sulking with Uncle G's arm around my shoulder.

"Okay then we shall do what the princess asks." Uncle G chuckled and swerved us to the direction of the food court.

We finally arrived and Uncle G, Dad, and Leo went to go get the food. We found some seat nearby and sat down. I took out my phone which was a broken iPhone X that Richard, the bitch of a stepfather, broke two days ago. I would usually have changed it but I didn't really have time. Adam took a double take on my phone and looked confused.

"How did you break your phone?" he asked grabbing the attention of the rest of my brothers.

"It fell down the stairs." I said shrugging it off.

"Falling down the stairs can't damage it that much." Gio said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah the stairs were made of concrete and I was all the way on the top." I lied again. They hummed him response.

"Non le credo." Gio stated. (I don't believe her)

"Anch'io" Adam responded. (me too)

"Non possiamo davvero fare nulla però." Gio told him. Nobody said anything after that. (we can't really do anything though)

The other three came back a few minutes after with some Chick-fil-a. I ate my burger and a few fries until I was full. I had a bad feeling something was gonna happen so I excused myself.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom I'll be back." I told them, getting up from my seat. I carefully made my way to the restroom and kept on looking around cautiously.

I finally got to the women's restroom and went inside. I looked to see if anyone was in there and it was empty. I felt paranoid so I went by the sink and splashed some water on my face to refresh myself. Ugh I hate being paranoid.

I finally look up from the mirror and saw someone familiar behind me. I quickly turn around and punch him in the gut and backed away. He lifted his head again and I familiarized him as one of my stepfathers friends, Ricky. He was the first friend of his to ever touch me.

"Oh look who it is the little slut." he says with a smirk.

"What do you want Ricky?" I sneered out.

"I want you."

"Okay." he looked confused for a split second but his face quickly turned smug. I walked over to him but before he could grab me I roundhouse kicked him on his face making him knock out. That was easy.

I kick him one more time just cause I felt like it then I washed my hands to get his filthy germs off me. After I finished washing my hands, I walked out the door making sure that no one was there to see.

I quickly got back to the table to see my family frantic faces.

"Woah what happened here?" I asked walking up to the table.

Gio quickly looked up and hugged me so tight that my face was basically blue.

"Can't breathe." I gasped out.

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