Chapter 18

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Okay so what I got told, my uncle is the middle child of Dad and Uncle G. His name is Francisco Ferrari and his wife's name is Elenor Dubois. They met in France when Uncle was there for business purposes. Anyways, they have 4 kids in total. And guess what. They're all guys. No surprise there.

First, there is Louis who is 22 years old and he's like Mateo. The mother hen. He helps out with everything and can be serious when he needs to be but is carefree most of the time.

Second, there is Marco and Mario who are twins and are both 19 years old. Finally, there is another set of twins. Anyways Marco is the older one and he's more of the grouchy twin kinda like Giovanni. Mario is more of the goofy one. He pulls pranks and is very hyper like Daniel.

Lastly, there is Valentino the youngest out of them who is 16. Apparently, he use to be really shy but he grew up and he become very sassy and playful. He played pranks on everyone and was never afraid to sass back the adults.

I can't wait to meet them they seem really fun. Hopefully, my aunt isn't as snobby as Uncle G's wife. She was an ass and a gold digger.

Uncle G said that they moved an hour away from here a few years ago and we're planning on moving here where they would be closer to family. Plus then the boys would have more fun and could see each other more often.

Not me though. As much as I love my family they can get over-protectively annoying sometimes. Plus like what 16 guys vs. 1 girl.

I would win.

Anyways, we finally got home and I was awake. Like there was not one ounce of tiredness in me. If anything I was hyper. I looked towards my family and saw them basically trudging towards the house.

I instantly felt bad. They're the tired cause of me. If I had taken care of myself better they wouldn't be so tired. Damn, why am I so sensitive, am I on my period or something?

Apparently, Dylan knew what I was thinking of and came up to me and swung his arm around my shoulder, "Don't worry they were just worried it's not your fault trust me." He reassured me. I'll take his word for it for now.

I think noticed where did the three boys go, "Wait what happened to the other three?" I asked with a confused expression.

"You just remembered them," Dylan chuckled.

"Oops," I said with a sorry expression.

"It's fine, they went home after we told them to, Eli tried to convince us to let him stay but he got dragged out by Max," He answered.

"Hey if you're not tired you wanna come to my room and chill with me, it's too early to sleep anyways," he asked me.

"Sure I got nothing better to do anyway," I shrugged.

Once we got into the house, everyone came to say goodnight time before leaving to go to sleep. It's been a long day anyways.

Dylan and I head up to his room and he turns on the tv to watch something.

"Whatcha wanna watch?" He asks scrolling through Netflix.

"Anything's fine," I shrug.

"Ooh let's watch 'Squid Games', people say it's really good," he suggested and turns it on.

When he turned it on the Korean version was playing so I suggested playing the English version but he rejected it. I had no problem but understanding it and he didn't either, which surprised me.

"You can understand this?" I ask looking over to him.

"Yeah, can you?" He asks skeptically.

"Yeah," I answer.

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