Chapter 21

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It's been two weeks since my surgery and it's mostly healed but not completely.

It's Sunday and I'm going back to school on tomorrow sadly.

Right now, I'm chilling in my room scrolling thru TikTok because the guys went to the skate park and Adriano's ass wouldn't let me go with them saying something like you could hurt your ribs again. I sat there until I get a phone call from Santi.

I answered the question phone and immediately whisper-shouted, "Why the fuck have you not answered my phone calls?"

"I'm sorry I was kinda busy getting settled into Italy and finding a new place for you to fight at," he answered back.

"Yeah sure and you didn't have time to call your best friend back?" I said with a pout.

"I'm sorry I got you booked for a fight though tonight as you can yell at me there," He said

"Okay, where?" I asked.

"I'll text you the addy just pull up and your cars are coming in today," he said making me excited as fuck. MY BABIES ARE COMING.

"Yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you," I exclaimed.

"You welcome kiddo," he responded, "Hey I got to go I'm going to someone's house."

"Okay bye love ya," I told him.

"Bye love you too," he said before hanging up

I went downstairs to get snacks to celebrate my car's coming here. As I skipped downstairs, I hear voices emerge from the garage and come towards the kitchen.

I went inside the pantry to get snacks and I got everything but the gushers which were at the top of the shelf. I tried to reach for it but there was no way I could. As I continued to reach for it, I felt someone's back press into me and grab the box of gushers.

I turned around to see Felix's chest near my face and his hand holding my gushers.

"Can I have them?" I asked him.

"Say please," he ordered.

"What do you think I am a dog? Woof Woof bitch," I said trying to grab the gushers that he put over his head.

He leaned down to my ear and whispered something to me, "How bout instead of barking you moan my name."

My face went bright red making me punch his chest softly, "Felix, what the fuck," I said.

"Here you go doggy," he said chuckling as he patted my head like a dog while giving me the gushers.

"You have 3 seconds Felix," I said as I put the gushers down and started cracking my knuckles. His eyes widened and he quickly dashed out of the pantry. I smirked in satisfaction and skipped outside with my snacks.

I skipped to the living room with a big smile on my face and saw the rest of the boys there and Felix hiding behind a chair.

I took a seat next to Giovanni and opened my bag of gushers.

"You're scared of her, she's harmless bro," Gio said to Felix indicating to me.

"No bro you should have seen her in the pantry she was scary," He says with wide eyes.

"You're a pussy," Gio said as he took one of my gushers. One of MY gushers. I slowly turned my head to him with a death glare.

"Those are my gushers, Giovanni," I said through gritted teeth.

"Heh sorry I'll buy you another pack," he said making me smile.

"Thank you," I said before eating the rest of the gushers.

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