Chapter 5

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They moved closer to see and what they saw made them shocked was an understatement, they were flabbergasted.

Alessandra's head was on Giovanni's chest as they slept peacefully together. The thing that surprised them the most was that Giovanni, the cold hearted guy, was hugging her in his sleep with a tear stricken face.

Alessandra's POV

'No fair why does he get to cuddle her first'
'Who knew the big bad Giovanni could be so soft'
'Aww quick someone take a picture'

"Shut the fuck up!" I heard my pillow growl from underneath me. I hit my pillow to get it to shut up but I got an 'ow' in return. Wait, pillows don't talk. I open one of my eyes and see Giovanni's head come into view. How did I get here? Oh yeah now I remember. Wait who's voices were those?

I turn my head towards the front with a tired face and look to see everyone in Gio's room.

"Morning, now go bye bye and let me sleep." I told them as my head fell on Gio's chest again. I heard him chuckle underneath me so I slapped him again.

"Ow women stop hitting me." He said.

"Well then stop vibrating." I muttered tired. To be honest I low key forgot that our family was there but did I care, no, cause I just want to sleep.

"At least get up so I can go." Gio offered. I roll over to the other side of the bed and close my eyes to try and sleep again. What it's the first time in a while I got to sleep on a comfy mattress for more than 5 hours.

"Come on kiddo get up it's already 12." my dad exclaimed. Damn I slept till 12, nice job Alessandra. Lets sleep some more.

"Nah i'm good." I said tugging the blanket over my head. I heard footsteps walking out the door. They accepted defeat. I was just about to fall asleep again when the blanket was suddenly yanked off me and ice cold water was poured on me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled shooting up to a sitting position. I saw a laughing Daniel next to the bed with a bucket in his hand.

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU DANIEL!" I screamed before trying to run after him but getting my feet tangled in the blanket. I fell flat on my face and my ribs. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming out.

"Ouch." I said bluntly. I sit up and feel something wet go down my nose. I touch my nose and see that it's bleeding. I keep my down pinching my nostrils shut below the bony part of my nose. They kept on laughing until one of them saw a drop of blood on the floor.

"Woah woah woah are you bleeding?" Raf asked, crouching down to my level making the rest stop laughing. I slightly nodded my head as I could lift my head up.

"Someone get me a napkin or tissue!" Adriano yelled before running up me and kneeling down in front of me.

"Keep your head down okay." he told me as he snatched the tissue from Adam and put it under my nose.

"Keep it there for a few minutes and breath through your mouth until it stops." he informed me.

"What are you a doctor?" I joked not really expecting anything.

"Actually yeah I am." he said. Well shit.

"Oh damn aren't you 21 though?" I asked with a very throaty voice.

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