Chapter 17

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"By other people too," she added on after, if she told them might as well tell them the whole truth.

Many emotions were floating throughout the room when she said that.

Half of them were shocked.

Half were concerned.

But all of them have one visible emotion that was consuming them whole.


(Sorry I'm feeling really poetic)

Anger at the person who raped her.

Anger at Sasha who let her get raped.

But most of all.

Anger to themselves for not being there for her.

They may have felt anger at someone else but Alessandra had a different point of view.

She thought they were angry at her, she thought they were disgusted and didn't want her anymore.

Alessandra's POV

They're mad at me. They feel sickened by me.

Don't cry over this Alessandra you're strong than that.

But it hurts. I haven't told anyone this in the whole time I've lived and finally telling someone, especially my family, is hard.

Okay, that's a valid reason I can't compete with that.

That's not helping.

"Sandra." I heard Dad say. I look up to see Dad basically seething.

"Who did this?" he gritted out through his teeth.

"My stepdad, James," I said quietly trying not to let my tears fall over as I look at my dad.

His eyes soften seeing my tears, so he rushes over to me, pauses looking into my eyes, and pulls me into a hug making me sob right on his shoulder.

It's been forever since I've gotten a hug like this. One full of warmth. Protection. Safety.

I cried about my abuse.

I cried about me getting my virginity taken away from me.

I cried bout leaving my family behind for all these years.

I cried until I ran out of tears.

After, what felt like hours but was only 5 minutes, I lifted my head from my dad's shoulder to see only my brothers left in here.

I felt my chin being moved to look into my dad's eyes, "I'm so fucking sorry this happened to you," Dad said with teary eyes. Making me cup his face in my hands.

"It's not your fault okay. What happened, so happened. It happened for a reason. It makes me stronger and realizes the real world." I told him with a small smile on my tear-stained face.

"You are definitely a Ferrari." He said replicating my smile then pulling me back into a hug. Slowly more hands were wrapping around us. I then realized that we were all in a family group hug. After a few seconds, I decided to speak up.

"Ew," I said making a disgusted face, "Anyone has a toothbrush and toothpaste, I got morning breath." I continued making laughter resonate thought out the room.


I finally brushed, and some nurses came and put some medicine in my IV. All the people who left also came back in and spread themselves throughout the room.

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