Chapter 26

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I took off at a slow pace while Felix ran for it. I was using logic, if I ran fast now then I would get tired towards the end and Felix would win.

But if go slow now then speed up towards the end I would definitely win.

See big brain.

I think he realized that I was going slow cause he turned around and gave me a smirk before continuing to run.

We were on our third lap and he started to slow down. Let's go.

I quickly dashed past him and ran to the end. I could feel him behind me but I didn't let him get past me. I ran as fast as my legs could and I passed the finish line cheered about how I won.

"How are you so fast, holy shit," he panted as he came in second place before dropping flat on the ground.

"That was nothing," I said wiping the sweat off my forehead, "Now you have to do whatever I tell you," I bash making him whine.

"Okay, so you have to..." I said tapping my chin and thinking.

"Hm I don't know but I'll tell you when I do," I said before walking off towards the locker room.

"Wait that's not fair," he says catching up to me.

"Everything is fair, aMoR," I said mimicking his voice before going to change in my locker room. I changed and when I was gonna walk out Amelia came in and dragged me with her.

"Okay spill," she said as she brought me to the corner.

"Spill what?" I asked confused.

"What's going on between you and Felix?" she inquired.

"Nothing," I said making her raise her eyebrow, "Okay fine we've had moments but it's nothing."

"I've seen the way he looks at you dude, he likes you," she tells me.

"Nah your trippin, he doesn't like me," I said rolling my eyes and shoving her a bit.

"Believe what you want but I'm playing matchmaker," she says before walking away to go change.

I followed her, "Don't think I haven't seen the way you've looked at my brother," I say smugly.

"W-What way there's no way," she defended.

"Keep telling yourself that sweetie," I said before walking out of the room.

I waited until Amelia came out and we went to the boys who already were out.

"Are you guys coming over today or not?" I ask the four guys.

"Yeah," they all said at the same time.

"Creepy," I muttered underneath my breathe making them laugh.

"So whatcha doing after school?" I ask Amelia.

"I got work then I'm probably gonna go home," she replied.

"Aw, I wish you could come over," I pouted.

"Maybe tomorrow," she said before getting closer to me, "there's a party on Friday, you wanna go?" she asked.

"Is that even a question, hell yeah," I exclaimed a bit too loudly.

"If you're thinking about going to that party on Friday, you better think again," Gio said glaring at me.

"Oh come on Gio it's like one party," I whine.

"Nope your not going, I'm not trying to handle a drunk Alessandra," he says.

"Ha you don't get to go," Alessandro mocked.

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