Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning from an alarm going off.

"Turn it off," I grumbled snuggling more into my pillow.

"I'm trying." I heard a voice grumble from underneath me. Underneath me, what? I open one eye to see my head on Ales' chest and him trying to turn his alarm off. Wait I have school? I groan rolling over on my back.

"We have school," I whine making him groan too.

"Ugh, I fucking hate school." He whined.

"At least we get to see the four idiots," I said trying to make me and him feel better.

"True that."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up.

"Okay get out let me change," I told him. He slowly trudged out of my room closing the door after him. I look over to my clock and see it was 7:05. Twenty-five minutes to get ready let's go. I first went to my bathroom to brush and wash my face. After I did that I lifted my shirt up because my back and ribs were painfully throbbing. I saw that my back was a deep dark red and it looked worse than before and my ribs were almost black. Shit. I'm gonna have to get through school until I get painkillers.

I went to my closet and wore a burnt orange sweater that I paired with some black knee ripped jeans with a black belt and Doc Martens.

I went to my closet and wore a burnt orange sweater that I paired with some black knee ripped jeans with a black belt and Doc Martens

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I got my backpack, put on some perfume, and headed downstairs for breakfast. When I got to the kitchen I saw most of the boys down there, some half-asleep eating cereal and some actually asleep. I went to the kitchen counter where there was a bowl of cereal already ready for me.

I was quietly eating my cereal while on my phone when I heard someone coming down the stairs while talking on the phone.

"Yeah, I'll see you in a bit bye." I saw my dad say to the person on the phone.

"Hey, kids, me and Grayson I got to go to work but Gray will be back when your back from school," Dad said giving each of us a kiss on the head.

"Bye, dad." I waved to him making him wave back before he closed the garage door. I saw Dylan and Gio come down together both ready.

"Wake up and let's go," Gio said grabbing his keys and heading towards the garage with the rest slowly following.

"So we have two options we can all take on a car or we can take the bikes." He suggested.

"Can I take a bike?" I quickly asked.

"Can you even drive a bike?" he asked.

"Yes, so can I drive it please?" I begged.

"Sure," he said handing me the key, "You guys wanna drive the bikes?" He asked the rest.

"Sure why not?" Angelo said taking one of the keys from Gio. We all decided that Ales was with Dylan, Dan was with Gio, Antonio was with Angelo, and I was by myself. I got on the bike and admired it. It was nice but not as nice as mine. We all put on our helmets and heading out of the garage.

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