Chapter 15

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Adriano started nervously.

"What happened?" Lorenzo asked sternly.

"I'll try and explain it in the simplistic way possible," he said before he took a deep breath and started talking again.

"Her rib was broken and a part of it was poking her lungs slightly making it collapse and I'm assuming she fell asleep before any of this happened or she would be awake right now, also there was some bleed from her back and when I checked," he trailed off taking a deep breath again, "there were um- there were whiplash marks on her back, her ribs were also very bruised, there are so many scars over her body, too many to count." He said trying his best to hold back his tears.

(i'm no doctor and this is wattpad btw)

"W-what." Lorenzo stammered shocked.

"Scars, what do you mean by scars?" Alessandro said trying to contain his anger. Who the fuck would do this to his twin?

Adriano took a deep breath and started talking again, "She's a victim of abuse." He stated making everyone flabbergasted.

"What the fuck." Dante exclaimed breaking the silence causing chaos. A bunch of questions was being thrown everywhere.

'Who the fuck did this!?'
'Where is she?'
'Once I get my hands on the person who did this, they are dead.'
'Can we see her?'

Leo had enough of the noise, "HEY! Be quiet!" He yelled. They all quieted down hearing his voice boom throughout the base.

"Where is she, Adriano?" He asked calmly.

"She is in surgery right now to fix her ribs, she's with Azaria don't worry," Adriano answered. Azaria was their female doctor. She was pretty close to their family as well.

"Okay tell us when she gets out." He instructed making Adriano nod. He quickly went back into the OR to make sure everything was going well.

(I swear I blanked out after this part, I did not know what to write. So if it seems very weird just know that I blanked out.)

Right when Adriano left, Dante stormed out of the hallway with Giovanni. Nobody bothered to look for them cause they knew better than to mess with them in this state.

"She was abused," Alessandro said quietly, "my twin was fucking abused." He spoke as he sat back into his chair. Tears were flowing out of his eyes. His own twin, that he hadn't seen for 10 years, was abused.

The one question that was flowing through all their heads was: Who in their right mind decided to hurt Alessandra?

By this point, Leo was out of the room with a blank face and clenched jaw. He was determined to find out who did it and kill them.

Lorenzo's mind was blank. He didn't know what to think of. His own child, his only daughter was getting hurt for the last 10 years. His emotions were mixed up. He wanted to cry but at the same time he was angry at himself.

He was angry that he wasn't able to make sure Alessandra was safe. He was sad that she was deprived of her childhood. He definitely did not want her to grow up in a abusive household.

Grayson felt the same as Lorenzo he was angry but also wanted to cry. She's his only niece. He loves her just as much as Lorenzo.

When Giovanni left the med base he headed straight towards the gym. He needed to release the anger inside of him. Once he got to the gym he didn't even bother wrapping his hands he just went for it.

Every punch he threw was aggressive. This went on for 20 minutes until his emotions took over.

He dropped on his knee and sobbed. He could believe that his sister was abused. He wanted to punch himself for letting that women take his sister. To say he was heartbroken is an understatement, he was devastated.

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